[Vision2020] The KKK and the Tea Party

Henry D. "Hank" Johnston hearseboy85 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 20:32:08 PDT 2012

Folks, I'm not one to chime in here often, but I've gotta say that the
section about what the KKK stands for sounds awfully close to some of our
local tea party candidates running in this "Republican" primary.  I use
quotation marks around the work Republican because I, a person has
considered myself lifelong Republican, have been railroaded from the local
party for calling them out for their antics.  I'm seriously contemplating
and reviewing my beliefs before I decide to renounce my affiliated
Republican registration with the county clerk.

Its sad, because I was once considered the right-wing of the UI College
Republicans, a group that was closely aligned with the Latah County GOP.
 Now, I'm considered a liberal in the Latah County GOP.

Just my thoughts.  I like to think that we (meaning me and my more moderate
friends) can take the party back.  But I do fear that it may be too late.

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