[Vision2020] Another take

Kenneth Marcy kmmos1 at frontier.com
Sat May 7 19:02:03 PDT 2011

On Saturday 07 May 2011 15:34:34 Warren Hayman wrote:
> >From Chomsky. 
> http://www.guernicamag.com/blog/2652/noam_chomsky_my_reaction_to_os/

The practical facts of the matter include that nothing could be done before 
the 20th of January, 2013, because a future presidential term is too valuable 
to lose over war crimes trials for previous presidents, however much such 
trials may be needed and deserved.

Whether or not such trials will then be brought is surely far from considered 
or decided, but the possibility thereof is valuable in itself, and for its 
negotiability with respect to other concerns that opponents of prosecution 
might be willing to tender in exchange for desisting on prosecutorial efforts. 
For example, clean, lean, straightforward single-payer health care legislation 
in place and funded might be a talking point in a discussion whether to send 
Dubya the Decider to a trial that could end with a rope tied just like the one 
used on Saddam Hussein.

It is noteworthy that Daddy Bush will be 88 years old on the next Inauguration 
Day, and there are still officially unanswered questions about this Skull and 
Bones member's participation in Lyndon Johnson's successful coup against 
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy as he rode in a parade in Dallas, Texas. If 
the taped interviews of Johnson's girlfriend and others are to be believed, 
the senior Bush's deception of the American public began half a century ago, 
and still has not been the subject of substantive efforts to clarify and 
elucidate its details.

LBJ died three days after Nixon's second inauguration. GHWB, now 87, isn't 
getting any younger, so if he is to be examined in a judicial setting, time is 
not on the side of procrastination.

Within our increasingly crowded, poor, illiterate, innumerate, and distracted 
population, the desirability of justice and respect for law as the mechanism 
to achieve it seems to fade as the years pass with fewer clear examples of it 
well before the public's collective vision.

If Americans did justice as well as the British do pomp and circumstance, the 
world would be an entirely different place.


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