[Vision2020] Nov. 2011 Monthly Precipitation Moscow Id. Far Below Avg. of 3.61 in. At 1.61 in.

Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 15:28:42 PST 2011

Despite La Nina, which usually indicates above average precipitation for
the US Northwest winter
( http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/ensodisc.pdf<http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/ensodisc.pdf>
so far Nov. and Dec. 2011 have seen well below average precipitation in
Moscow, Idaho.

November 2011 Moscow, Idaho monthly precipitation was 1.61 in., compared to
an average of 3.61 in., according to Weather.com; and December through
today the 14th has seen 0 in. as in none!

>From Weather.com: http://www.weather.com/weather/monthly/83843?role=

I recall seeing an ad recently in the "Inlander" magazine for an Inland
Empire ski resort, boldly declaring "La Nina" as evidence they were going
to have a great ski season, i. e. lots of snow.

There's still time...
Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett
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