[Vision2020] Pres mans-up

Ron Force rforce2003 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 3 21:43:56 PDT 2010

Filibuster proof majority? Not so much. Al Franken wasn't seated until July 
2009. Edward Kennedy passed away early August, and his replacement wasn't seated 
until the end of September. Then Brown won in January, ending the filibuster 
proof majority that Obama had in the Senate for maybe four months, top. And, 
even then it was dependent on the ever wavering Joe Lieberman.

 Ron Force
Moscow Idaho USA

From: Gary Crabtree <jampot at roadrunner.com>
To: keely emerinemix <kjajmix1 at msn.com>; vpschwaller at gmail.com; 
vision2020 at moscow.com
Sent: Wed, November 3, 2010 8:47:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Pres mans-up

Reading a little much into a  subject line aren’t we?
I'm a little curious as to  how daunting you imagine  "facing down an  
unremittingly hostile GOP in his first half-term." is  likely to have been. Your 
paragon of masculine virtue had absolutely no need to  even acknowledge their 
presence other than to taunt them as the  source of all ills,  castigate them as 
"enemies" and consign them to  "the back of the bus." The cold hard facts of the 
matter are that the president  had a veto proof, filibuster proof majority and 
could do as he pleased without  so much as a Republican by your leave. The only 
disappointments to be suffered  were at the hands of other democrats.

From: keely emerinemix 
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 6:47 PM
To: vpschwaller at gmail.com ; vision2020 at moscow.com 
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Pres mans-up
Gee, Glenndale, with talk of the President's "manning up," you  sound as rough 
and tumble as Christine O'Donnell, Sarah Palin, and Sharron  Angle.  I  suppose 
that makes you da man . . . or da men.  Good  for you.

It looks like you're interpreting the Huffington Post article as  an 
introduction to Obama 2.0, Manlier Version (Chest Hair Sold  Separately).  I 
guess, then, that I'd be correct in concluding that you  think that some sort of 
cowardice, softness, and limp-wristedness is behind  Obama's difficulties over 
the past two years.  Care to confirm, with  examples?  Because I think a lot of 
us who have had our disappointments  with him haven't really ever given due 
consideration to any lack of bravery or  toughness on his part.  I know you know 
a lot about bravery and toughness,  so I'm hoping you can shed some light on 
this for us.  I know you wouldn't  hold a guy's intellect, education, or bearing 
against him -- you've probably met  a few manly Classicists in your life -- so 
I'm really interested in hearing how  he hasn't "manned up" while facing down an 
unremittingly hostile GOP in his  first half-term.

It's true that Barack Obama doesn't taunt our enemies on  a destroyer in wartime 
while wearing a crotch-enhancing flightsuit, but I just  guess I always assumed 
he was "man enough" for the job.  Since I know we  can agree that people who 
hide behind pseudonyms or anonymity aren't terribly  gutsy, I await your 


>  Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 17:57:58 -0700
> From: vpschwaller at gmail.com
>  To: vision2020 at moscow.com
> Subject: [Vision2020] Pres mans-up
> >From the Huffington Post:
> A chastened President  Barack Obama signaled a willingness to
> compromise with Republicans on  tax cuts and energy policy Wednesday,
> one day after his party lost  control of the House and suffered deep
> Senate losses in midterm  elections.
> Obama ruefully called the Republican victories "a  shellacking" and
> acknowledged that his own connection with the public  had frayed.
> At a White House news conference, the president  said that when
> Congress returns, "my goal is to make sure we don't have  a huge spike
> in taxes for middle class families." He made no mention of  his
> campaign-long insistence that tax cuts be permitted to expire  on
> upper-income families, a position he said would avoid swelling  the
> deficit but put him in conflict with Republicans.
>  He also virtually abandoned his legislation – hopelessly stalled in
> the  Senate – featuring economic incentives to reduce carbon emissions
> from  power plants, vehicles and other sources.
> "I'm going to be  looking for other means of addressing this problem,"
> he said. "Cap and  trade was just one way of skinning the cat," he
> said, strongly implying  there will be others.
> In the campaign, Republicans slammed the  bill as a "national energy
> tax" and jobs killer, and numerous Democrats  sought to emphasize their
> opposition to the measure during their own  re-election races.
> The president opened his post-election news  conference by saying
> voters who felt frustrated by the sluggish pace of  economic recovery
> had dictated the Republican takeover in the  House.
> Asked to reflect on the returns, he said, "I feel bad,"  adding that
> many Democrats who went down to defeat had done so knowing  they risked
> their careers to support his agenda of economic stimulus  legislation
> and a landmark health care bill. He blamed himself, in  part.
> "The relationship that I've had with the American people  is one that
> built slowly, peaked at this incredible high, and then  during the
> course of the last two years, as we've together gone through  some very
> difficult times, has gotten rockier and tougher," Obama  said.
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