[Vision2020] Where/How Will It All End?

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Tue Mar 30 12:52:01 PDT 2010

Roger Falen stated:

"The Tea Party people explicitly say that they follow the Rule of Law,
meaning adherence to the Constitution. The various Militia groups are not
necessarily a part of the Tea Party. They or anyone else who deliberately
kill innocent people are automatically wrong. Do you also condemn the
Black Panthers and the other radical groups of the sixties, The Earth
Liberation Front, and The  Animal liberation Front. These groups are as
close to your views than the extreme Militia is to mine (probably closer)"

Roger, Roger, Roger . . .

"Tea Party" wasn't mentioned in the article or by me.

I'll go a step further by suggesting that these militias have absolutely
NO ties to the Tea Party.  These militias are a separate matter

As far as the Black Panthers, the violent faction of the SDS (Students for
a Democratic Society), the Weathermen, and other radical groups of the
sixties are concerned . . .

If they broke the law, they were arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced
. . . much like these militias should be treated if they break the law.

FYI, Roger:  The Black Panthers were organized to protect the black
neighborhoods of Oakland against undue (and often uncivil) harassment by 
authorities during the early- and mid-sixties, or don't you recall . . .


"J. Edgar Hoover declares '
the Black Panther Party, without question,
represents the greatest threat to internal security of the country.' He
pledges that 1969 would be the last year of the Party's existence."



One other thing, Roger.

Those radical groups that you reference are NOT "close to" my views.

But then, I shouldn't expect an apology from you should I?

Enough EFFING said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

PS - That URL immediately under the J. Edgar Hoover quote, Roger, is a
citation.  Perhaps you ought to get into the habit of citing references. 
Hou about it?

"The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimist expects it to change
and the Realist adjusts his sails."

- Unknown

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