[Vision2020] UI's Security Force (local or private?)

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Tue Mar 16 13:37:24 PDT 2010

Wayne Price illustrates and inquires:

"As an example, lets say there is no contract/no payment from the
University of Idaho to the city for police/fire/ambulance services,
and there is an accident at the intersection of South Rayburn and
Idaho Avenue.

Absent a 'contract' with the city for police/fire and ambulance, who
answers the 911 call?"

I have no experience, nor knowledge on this subject, however, in my
opinion . . .

Out of absolute necessity, and only if "life or limb" (as the saying goes)
were at stake, the Moscow Police Department, Moscow Volunteer Fire
Department, or local ambulance service would respond.  Payment for these
services would probably fall n the shoulders of the owner of the property
to which the agency responded.  In the case of UI, I imagine that would be
the UI Board of Regents.  Failing that, the person to which the agency

Another option, very similar to those individuals who utilize Gritman's ER
as their health care provider, every incident would be responded to by a
911 call and the costs incurred by the fine people of Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

"The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimist expects it to change
and the Realist adjusts his sails."

- Unknown

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