[Vision2020] The Power Hour "Libertarian" Radio Show Promotes Claim of 9/11 Cover-up[

Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
Sun Mar 14 13:33:05 PDT 2010

President Bush's August briefing before 9/11 explicitly stated "Bin Laden
determined to strike in US."

I question the theory that the 9/11 attacks and the collapse of the
buildings involved was orchestrated by agents of the US.  But the theory
that 9/11 was "allowed" to happen, that there was substantial evidence that
terrorists were going to strike the US, but the aggressive actions required
to stop the attack were deliberately avoided, is possible, given that the
neo-con "Project for the New American Century" explicitly stated in military
think tank analysis prior to 9/11 ("Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy,
Forces and Resources for a New Century" September 2000:
http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf  ), that a
"new Pearl Harbor" would provide the justification for the expansion of US
military power into the Middle East and elsewhere.

At best, the fact that more aggressive steps were not taken to stop the 9/11
attacks, reveals gross incompetence, if not a deliberate conspiracy to
exploit a major terror attack against the US as a "new Pearl Harbor" to
expand US military/economic hegemony.  Cheney and Rumsfeld signed the
"Statement of Principles" for the "Project for the New American Century" in
1997 ( http://www.newamericancentury.org/statementofprinciples.htm ).  It is
no surprise they assumed positions of great power in the second Bush
administration, given the agenda to expand US military/economic hegemony was
planned well in advance, if they could gain the White House back.

I won't continue a history lesson here (the two websites below offer a
critical analysis of 9/11 orthodoxy).  But there are very serious questions
that can be raised regarding why more aggressive steps were not taken to
stop the 9/11 plot, given the information we know the US government
possessed regarding the plans for a terror attack on the US, who might carry
out such an attack, and that use of commercial aircraft as terror weapons
was known prior to 9/11 as a likely method.  Bush administration national
security advisor Condoleeza Rice was either woefully uninformed, which I
doubt given her intelligence, or engaging in "spin" propaganda to hide the
tracks of Bush administration failures regarding the 9/11 attacks, when she
made the statements quoted from the second website below:



>From website immediately above:
 May 16, 2002: Nobody Predicted 9/11-Style Attacks, Says Condoleezza
[image: Edit event]<http://www.historycommons.org/eventedit.jsp?oid=1626004942-36209&drafts=null&timeline=complete_911_timeline>

[image: National Security Adviser Rice tries to explain what Bush knew and
when in her May 16, 2002 press conference.]National Security Adviser Rice
tries to explain what Bush knew and when in her May 16, 2002 press
conference. *[Source: CNN]*National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice
states, “I don’t think anybody could have predicted that these people would
take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one
and slam it into the Pentagon, that they would try to use an airplane as a
missile,” adding that “even in retrospect” there was “nothing” to suggest
that. [White House,
] Contradicting Rice’s claims, former CIA Deputy Director John Gannon
acknowledges that such a scenario has long been taken seriously by US
intelligence: “If you ask anybody could terrorists convert a plane into a
missile? [N]obody would have ruled that out.” Rice also states, “The
overwhelming bulk of the evidence was that this was an attack that was
likely to take place overseas.” [MSNBC, 5/17/2002] Slate awards Rice the
“Whopper of the Week” when the title of Bush’s August 6 briefing is
revealed: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US.” [Slate,
] Rice later will concede that “somebody did imagine it” but will say she
did not know about such intelligence until well after this conference.
Press, 9/21/2002]

Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett
On 3/14/10, Paul Rumelhart <godshatter at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Trust, once lost, takes a lot of work to get back.  When you have the U.S.
> government arming Osama and the CIA enabling drug trafficking for the
> Contras, it's not a big stretch to wonder if they had any involvement in
> 9/11.  There are enough strange things surrounding 9/11 that I would not be
> surprised to find the government was involved.
> The reason I obey traffic laws has more to do with safety than trust of the
> government.  Generally, the system works well enough that you can at least
> have some faith in a contract, and some hope the police will respond if you
> call them.  I wouldn't want to be the guy that happened across some
> confidential documents or saw the wrong thing go down at the wrong time,
> though.
> Paul
> Wayne Price wrote:
>> Ted, et al,
>> One has to ask, or at least I do, why would people put any faith in these
>> wild stories?  While, I don't agree with 9/11 being an inside job, there is
>> a general distrust of ALL levels of government that just
>> feed  into things like this. And not just on the national level, but more
>> importantly at the local levels as well. For instance, does anyone living in
>> Northern Idaho really think the "boys in Boise"  even care about North
>> Idaho?
>> If they feel that way, why? Does anyone trust an employment contract or
>> retirement contract with the U of I? If not, why? Can you trust that the
>> speed limits on our county roads are legitimate? If not, why?
>> Distrust of "government",once it starts, is hard to turn around and I
>> believe that in America, we have a long long way to go. Perceptions, good or
>> bad are real, even though they may not be true. And it is in the light of
>> those perceptions  that people live, not in light of the truth or falsity of
>> an issue.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> On Mar 13, 2010, at 4:42 PM, Ted Moffett wrote:
>> There are a lot of "conservatives" who believe in a government cover-up
>>> regarding the facts of 9/11.
>>>  There is a radio show that has a large following that has been on the
>>> air for years, that I have listened to numerous times on shortwave, that is
>>> very political but in some ways hard to stereotype.  I suppose you could
>>> call it hard core libertarian (they passionately promoted Ron Paul's
>>> presidential bid), which means that it is very distrustful of government in
>>> a consistent aggressive way that many traditional "mainstream" conservatives
>>> are not.  Anti-abortion views are expressed, which fits the current
>>> Republican agenda, but there are two issues that have received a lot of air
>>> time where the show has argued for government cover-ups, Gulf War Syndrome
>>> among vets, and 9/11.  This show aggressively attacked the Bush
>>> administration, and is doing the same to Obama's.  Main website for this
>>> radio show:
>>>  http://www.thepowerhour.com/
>>>  ---------------------------------------------
>>> The following documentary described at the website below, promoted by
>>> "The Power Hour," pulls no punches regarding what it claims was "a massive
>>> cover-up" regarding 9/11:
>>>  http://www.thepowermall.com/
>>>  *911 In Plane Site
>>> *New* "The Directors Cut" *with *"More Footage - More Photographs - More
>>> Evidence" *
>>> *PRODUCER: Dave vonKleist*
>>> DIRECTOR: William Lewis
>>> Due to the overwhelming response of "911 In Plane Site," we were able to
>>> collect mountains of new footage and photographs from sources all over the
>>> world. We can now say, without a shadow of doubt, that we have undeniable
>>> evidence of a massive cover-up. From the 16 ft. hole in the outer walls of
>>> the Pentagon to the news reports of bombs, explosions and potential
>>> demolition of World Trade Centers 1, 2 and 7, to the strange attachment on
>>> the bottom of Flight 175 and the mysterious flashes caught on videotape by
>>> at least five separate sources, it is clear - 911 was an inside job.
>>> From Dave vonKleist, co-host of The Power Hour radio program and
>>> writer/producer of the album "Will Someone Listen" & William Lewis, producer
>>> of "American Freedom News", "TruNews" and producer/writer of the album
>>> "Police State" comes a full length documentary exposing one of the largest
>>> conspiracies ever uncovered. With the pounding force of a sledgehammer you
>>> will find yourself horrified and astonished at the shear scope of the
>>> largest transgressions ever carried out against the people of the United
>>> States and indeed... of the entire world.
>>> ------------------------------------------
>>> Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett
>>> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Gier, Nicholas <NGIER at uidaho.edu<mailto:
>>> NGIER at uidaho.edu>> wrote:
>>>    Greetings:
>>>    The Tea Party candidate in the three-way primary for Texas
>>>    governor said to Glenn Beck that she was still looking at the
>>>    evidence for a 9-11 cover-up.  Beck's response was something like
>>>    "We'd better look at another candidate!"  Yes the Tea Party
>>>    people include not only "birthers" but "truthers."
>>>    Nick Gier
>>>    -----Original Message-----
>>>    From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com
>>>    <mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com> on behalf of Garrett Clevenger
>>>    Sent: Fri 3/12/2010 11:36 AM
>>>    To: vision2020 at moscow.com <mailto:vision2020 at moscow.com>
>>>    Subject: Re: [Vision2020] teabaggers
>>>    "I have yet to see you, Tom, Nick or Wayne comment on those left
>>>    wingers
>>>    that think that 9/11 was an inside job of the Bush Administration."
>>>    I don't think only some left-wingers believe that.  Some
>>>    far-righters think there is a greater conspiracy relating to
>>>    that, too.
>>>    I don't think it's a stretch, though, to assume GWB used 911 to
>>>    advance an agenda they had been planning on for a while (the
>>>    PATRIOT act, invading Iraq, etc)
>>>    That makes GWB look suspicious, especially considering some of
>>>    the discrepancies surrounding the 911 commission, which Bush
>>>    initially was against.
>>>    It's also suspicious that that Bush and Cheney both refused to
>>>    testify under oath to the 911 commission.
>>>    Until someone looks at the arguments the 911 truthers are
>>>    conveying (and there is lots of interesting arguments in their
>>>    favor) you probably shouldn't be condemning what they say.
>>>    I have no idea what the truth is, but I do know that powerful
>>>    people are in control and do despicable things to advance their
>>>    power, whether thats an islamofacist or whoever...
>>>    Garrett Clevenger
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