[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Committee Agendas for Monday

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Jun 11 09:36:05 PDT 2010




Monday, June 14, 2010
3:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor


1.      Approval of Minutes May 24, 2010 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      COPS - Updated and Resubmit Grant Application -

The Office of Community Oriented Policing Service (COPS Office) has been
authorized to open the 2010 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) and will award
$298 million to address the needs for full-time sworn officers in
enforcement agencies.  The grantees will be COPS Hiring Recovery Program
(CHRP) applications.  No new applications will be accepted and it is
anticipated that fewer than 500 awards will be given.  The City of
Moscow Police Department submitted an application for the 2009 CHRP but
was not awarded and therefore is eligible to reapply.  Targeted updates
to the 2009 application will be made so the request can be reevaluated
based on current data.  Funding for 2010 is different from 2009 in that
it will allow agencies to hire new officer positions, or to rehire
officers that have been laid off, or are scheduled to be laid off on a
future date as a result of state or local budget reductions.  The 2009
application requested funding for two entry-level police officer
salaries and fringe benefits for 36 months.  The 2010 application will
include current staff data, 2007 updated population, and
previous/current fiscal and updated crime data as well as the changes
with the University of Idaho contract and the decrease in funding
levels.  The application is due June 16, 2010.


ACTION:  Recommend approval to submit an updated application for the
2010 COPS Hiring Program to fund two entry-level police officer
positions or take other such action as deemed appropriate.


3.      Fiber Optic Lease to University of Idaho - Jesse Flowers

Staff has been approached by The University of Idaho with a request to
lease fiber optic strands from the City from University of Idaho to City
Hall and then from City Hall to the old Campus substation.  Staff has
prepared a draft lease agreement in accordance with the Fiber Use Policy
that was adopted by the City Council on December 18th 2006.  The lease
agreement would be for a term of 3 months and would include 1 strand for
total leased strand footage of 8,900 feet.


ACTION: Recommend approval of the fiber lease agreement; or take such
other action as deemed appropriate.


4.      Rendezvous in the Park Alcohol Request Revision - Randy Fife

An alcohol request for Rendezvous in the Park was approved by the City
Council on May 17, 2010. This nullifies Resolution 2010-17 and replaces
it with the conditions contained herein.  Missing in Resolution 2010-17
is that the entire fenced off area will be designated as the beer garden
to allow families to be together to watch the music festivities, as well
as a secured internal alcohol dispensing area. 


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Resolution or take such other action
deemed appropriate.


5.      Day Care Discussion - Randy Fife/Stephanie Kalasz/Keli Jones

Due to concerns related to recent changes to State and local Day Care
regulations, the direction from the Administrative Committee (with input
from the public and the Idaho Health and Welfare Department), staff has
drafted two (2) ordinances for the Committee's consideration and review.
The first proposed Ordinance (State and City Crimes the Same) eliminates
the crimes that prohibit Day Care in Moscow's Ordinance so that the
crimes in the State Code and the City Code are the same crimes.  The
second draft Ordinance (Staff's Recommendation) eliminates the appeal
for all felonies committed within five (5) years of the date of
application and maintains a list of misdemeanor violations unique to
Moscow which can be appealed to City Council (or another body).  See
attached memo dated June 9, 2010.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of staff's recommended Ordinance; reject one
or both of the drafts; or take such other action deemed appropriate.



Americorps Volunteer Drivers Program - Jen Pfiffner

2010 Citizen Survey - Jen Pfiffner


Future Agenda Items

Idaho Department of Commerce - 1912 Center Grant - Alisa Stone

GHG Updated Draft - Angie Vanhoozer/Jen Pfiffner/Gary Riedner



NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.






Monday, June 14, 2010
4:30 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor 

1.      Approval of Minutes May 24, 2010 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Disbursement Report for May 2010 - Sue Nelson 


3.      Orchard Overlay Bid Award - Kevin Lilly

Bid opening was May 21, 2010 for a project to reconstruct Orchard Avenue
from F Street to Thatuna Avenue.  Three bids were received as follows:
Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. in the amount of $ 295,892.15; Motley and
Motley, Inc. in the amount of $307,097.00; and M.L. Albright and Sons,
Inc. in the amount of $328,699.05.  The Engineer's estimate was
$317,058.84.  The bid opening took place in Boise at the office of the
Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC). The City of Moscow
Public Works was notified by LHTAC that the Poe Asphalt bid submitted
was missing key documents and was therefore declared irregular. The bid
received from Motley and Motley has been reviewed and deemed reasonable.


ACTION:  Recommend Council approve the award of the contract to Motley
and Motley, Inc. or take such other action deemed appropriate.


4.      1521 W. A Street Lot Division - Mike Ray

Gary and Lynne Young are requesting a lot division for an approximately
2.01 acre parcel currently addressed as 1521 West A Street and located
at the corner of Farm Road and A Street in the City of Moscow. The
applicants are requesting to divide the parcel into two separate lots,
the northern being 0.41 acres and the southern being 1.59 acres as shown
on the attached map. The proposed lots are in the Motor Business (MB)
Zone which has no minimum lot size or minimum lot width requirements for
commercial uses. There is currently an existing 20 ft overhead utility
easement extending north to south and spanning almost the entire length
of the parcels. In accordance with City of Moscow requirements, property
owners within 600 ft of the property have been notified of the proposed
division and the site has been posted seven days prior to the meeting


ACTION:  After considering any public comment, recommend approval of the
lot division or take such other action deemed appropriate.





Future Agenda Items:

Water Budget

Snow Management Budget

Policy Regarding Commission Funding - Gary J. Riedner (6/28)

Community Grant Program - Stone (6/28)

Grant Portfolio Update - Stone (6/28)

Building Permit Fee Waiver Request - Dwight Curtis (7/12)

Bio-Solids Contract - Tim Davis/Gary J. Riedner

Riedesel Construction Management Services Contract - Kevin Lilly


NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.




Stephanie Kalasz, CMC

City Clerk

City of Moscow

206 E. 3rd Street

Moscow  ID   83843

(208) 883-7015


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