[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Monday Agenda

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Jan 29 15:22:45 PST 2010




Monday, February 1, 2010
7:00 p.m.

City Hall Council Chambers

 206 East Third Street, Second Floor

The Moscow Mayor, City Council and Staff welcome you to tonight's
meeting.  We appreciate and encourage public participation.  For regular
agenda items, an opportunity for public comment is sometimes provided
after the staff report.  However, the formality of procedures varies
with the purpose and subject of the agenda item; therefore, the Mayor
may exercise discretion in deciding when to allow public comment during
the course of the proceedings and limitations may be placed on the time
allowed for comments.  Citizens wishing to comment on business that is
not on the agenda will be provided the opportunity to do so as item
number 3.  If you plan to address the Council, you will find a list of
"Tips for Addressing the Council" in the door pocket outside the City
Council Chambers.  Thank you for your interest in City government.


RENEWING OUR FOCUS - At each meeting one City Council member will
present an example of patriotism, humanitarianism, community spirit, or
other inspirational message then lead the group in the Pledge of
Allegiance.  Contact a Council-member with examples to share at future


1.       Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent
agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be
considered separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.


A.     Approval of Minutes of January 19, 2010 - Stephanie Kalasz


B.     Real Estate Lease with Cadillac Jacks - Dwight Curtis

Since July 1, 2005, the City has leased a small piece of property as a
parking lot to the north of Cadillac Jack's, Inc. in exchange for a
monthly lease fee of fifty ($50) dollars and Cadillac Jack's maintenance
of the property. The lease was renewed for one year on March 1, 2009.
The lease has continued without incident. It is proposed that the Lease
be renewed for a period of two (2) years beginning March 1, 2010 through
the last day of February 2012, at the fifty dollar ($50) per month lease
amount. The Paradise Path Task Force and the Downtown Parking
Implementation group are considering potential alternative users of the
property and should have a final recommendation prior to the end of the
new lease term.  Cadillac Jack's Inc. has requested the term to be for
five (5) years. Staff recommends the two year lease term to give the
Paradise Path Task Force and the Downtown Parking Implementation group
enough time to make sound a recommendation for the future use of this
property to benefit the citizens of Moscow. This would also allow enough
time to consider the recommendation in the FY12 budget development
cycle.  This item was reviewed by the Administrative Committee on
January 25, 2010.


ACTION:  Approve two year real estate lease.


2.       Mayor's Appointments - Mayor Chaney


3.       Public Comment and Mayor's Response Period (limit 15 minutes)
- For members of the Public to speak to the Council regarding matters
NOT on the Agenda and not currently pending before the Planning and
Zoning Commission or Board of Adjustment, please state your name and
address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes.  Mayor will
respond to comments from previous meeting. 


4.       Citizen Commission Report - Human Rights Commission, Staff
Liaison Dan Weaver


5.       Public Hearing - Troy Highway Rezone - Dennis Cady

The Community Development Department has inventoried and reviewed the
existing land uses and zoning for a portion of the Troy Highway
Corridor. The study encompassed property on the north and south sides of
the Troy Highway between Highway 95 and the Washington Street couplet on
the west and White Avenue on the east. The purpose of the study was to
compare the existing land uses and the current zoning and to evaluate
the possibility of rezoning the study area from the existing Industrial
Zone to a combination of Motor Business and Multiple Family Residential
zoning. This study was brought before the Planning and Zoning Commission
on September 9th, 2009. At that time the Planning and Zoning Commission
instructed staff to proceed with a proposed rezone for the area.  The
proposed rezoning encompasses approximately 28 acres with 23 separate
parcels and 29 existing uses.  The subject area is currently zoned
Industrial (I). The proposal will rezone the area from Industrial to a
combination of Motor Business (MB), Multi Family Residential (R-4) and
Farm, Ranch, and Outdoor Recreation (FR). This proposed rezone will
bring the zoning into conformance with land use changes that have
occurred in the area.  The Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a
public hearing on December 9th, 2009 and recommended approval by the
City Council to rezone the subject property from Industrial (I) to a
combination of Motor Business (MB), Multi Family Residential (R-4) and
Farm, Ranch and Outdoor Recreation (FR) with a modification; that an "L"
shaped area located east of Highway 95 and south of Troy Highway be
zoned General Business (GB) instead of the proposed Motor Business Zone
(MB).  The Commission also made a recommendation that access for future
development for the vacant property located south of Paradise Creek be
provided via an easterly extension of Sweet Avenue.


ACTION:  After considering public testimony, approve the proposed rezone
as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission; as initially
proposed; or as otherwise deemed appropriate by the Council, and adopt
the Zoning Ordinance under suspension of the rules requiring three
complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and
published by summary; or consider the Ordinance on first reading and
that it be read by title; or reject the Ordinance; or take such other
action deemed appropriate.


6.       Whitcom Annual Report - Patti VonBargen


ACTION:  Accept report.


7.       Pool Plastering Bid Award to Atlantis Pool Plastering, Inc. -
Roger Blanchard

On November 20, 2009, the City received eight bids for re-plastering the
activities pool at the Hamilton-Lowe Aquatics Center.  After review by
staff and the Public Works/Finance Committee, staff recommended that the
project be re-bid due to inconsistencies in the bid packet and in the
bids received.  Parks and Recreation staff subsequently worked with City
Engineering staff to develop a new bid packet.  The new Invitation to
Bid was published on January 2nd and 9th, 2010.  A mandatory project
walkthrough was held on January 15th and bids were opened on January
22nd.  Staff has reviewed the three bids received and determined that
only one was responsive, Atlantis Pool Plastering, Inc. for $123,844.00.
Staff believes that awarding the bid to Atlantis would be in the best
interest of the City.  The project start date is estimated to be March
15, 2010 and the work must be completed by May 28, 2010.  Reviewed by
the Public Works/Finance Committee on January 25, 2010.


ACTION:  Authorize staff to proceed with negotiating a construction
contract with Atlantis Pool and Plastering, Inc. or take such other
action deemed appropriate.


8.       Alcohol Fee Waiver Request for Third Street Gallery Show -
Dwight Curtis/Kathleen Burns

At a future meeting, the City Arts Commission/Arts Department will be
requesting Council authorization to serve alcohol at their Third Street
Gallery show openings through the 2010 calendar year. In preparation for
this, they request that the recently implemented $100 City alcohol fee
be waived.  The purpose of the fee is to recover City funds expended by
staff preparation of Council Resolutions allowing alcohol in City parks
and facilities for non-City events. These are City sponsored events and
the majority of the staff time involved is covered by the Arts Director
and Arts Commission members. It also makes sense for the City to waive a
fee on itself.  This item was reviewed by the Administrative Committee
on January 25, 2010.


ACTION:  Approve fee waiver request for Third Street Gallery Show or
take such other action deemed appropriate.


9.       Quarterly Financial Reports Ending September 30 and December
31, 2009 - Don Palmer

This is a presentation of the financial report for the fourth quarter of
fiscal year 2008-2009 (July 01, 2009 through September 30, 2009) and
first quarter of fiscal year 2009-2010 (October 01, 2009 through
December 31, 2009).  Reviewed by the Public Works/Finance Committee on
January 25, 2010.


ACTION:  Accept reports.


10.   Resolution Regarding Selection of Idaho as Base for F-35 Lightning
Fighter Jets - Gary J. Riedner

This topic was brought to the Mayor's attention at the AIC Legislative
Board meeting in Boise and was later brought forward to all attendees at
the larger AIC meeting on January 28th. AIC President Mayor Tom Dale of
Nampa provided a letter of solicitation to request that cities adopt a
resolution to officially express support of making Idaho the home base
for the F-35 missions.  Although a sample is supplied, there is a
recommendation to personalize the Resolution so there is something
unique about each one.  Resolutions and other communication on this
topic are to be sent to Don Dietrich, Director of Idaho Dept of
Commerce, ideally by the first week of February, before the USAF makes
its decision.  According to Mayor Dale's letter, "This is time
critical..." thus the reason for placing it on the Council agenda prior
to any committee review.


ACTION:  Adopt the Resolution with or without changes or take such other
action deemed appropriate.




Administrative Committee

            Public Works/Finance Committee

            Other Boards & Commissions







Stephanie Kalasz, CMC

City Clerk

City of Moscow

206 E. 3rd Street

Moscow  ID   83843

(208) 883-7015


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