[Vision2020] Who pays US income tax?

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Tue Dec 28 05:30:51 PST 2010

Jeff Harkins reflects:

"The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid 33.7 percent of all individual income
taxes in 2002. This group of taxpayers has paid more than 30 percent of
individual income taxes since 1995. Moreover, since 1990 this group’s tax
share has grown faster than their income share."

Could it be because the top 1 percent earn a majority of the national income?

That dog don't bark, Mr. Harkins.

That argument is similar to the old anti-marijuana claim that 95 percent
of the people currently addicted to heroin got started on marijuana (let's
not pay any attention to the 5 percent that started right away on heroin).

Scuttlebutt has it that shortly after Rep. Boehner assumes office as
Speaker of the House, a couple of his Republican buddies are going to
introduce a bill making the tax cuts permanent.  Shortly later it will be
suggested that spending be reduced by TWENTY PERCENT.  One can hardly
imagine where the budget cuts will originate.

There is even a nasty, vicious rumor that attempts will be made to
privatize Tri-Care (healthcare for military retirees).  This has been
"attempted" several times over the past decade.  Thank God for DAV
(Disabled American Veterans) of which I am a lifetime member.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

"The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimist expects it to change
and the Realist adjusts his sails."

- Unknown

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