[Vision2020] Highway 12 Update

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Tue Aug 10 11:47:39 PDT 2010

Courtesy of a virtually unimpeachable source . . .


"We have just learned that ITD has either issued a permit to Emmert
International or intends to do so soon.

Emmert will start the ConocoPhillips coke drum shipments on August 18th or
19th.  They will be taking advantage of the window of opportunity
presented after one lane of the Arrow Bridge concrete resurfacing has
sufficiently cured and before the other lane is torn up.

If the transports follow Emmert's transportation plan, they will take 4
days to reach Lolo Pass.  We think 2 of the 4 drums will be shipped first,
then the other 2.

You should be able to confirm with Doral Hoff, ITD, Lewiston office, from
whom this information came."


I have attempted to contact Doral Hoff at . . .

Doral.Hoff at itd.idaho.gov


(208) 799-4255

I do not expect an email response any time soon.  I have left three voice
messages at the above phone number.

Stay tuned, V-peeps . . .

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

"The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimist expects it to change
and the Realist adjusts his sails."

- Unknown

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