[Vision2020] PBS/KUID: Telling Amy's Story

Saundra Lund v2020 at ssl.fastmail.fm
Wed Aug 4 22:58:59 PDT 2010

If anyone reading this is involved in an abusive relationship, or has a
loved one involved in an abusive relationship, ***please*** know there's
help available.

Locally, there's Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse (ATVP):
(208) 882-2490 OR (509) 332-0552
"Collect crisis calls will be accepted"

If you're uncomfortable for some reason making local contact, you can call
the National Domestic Violence Hotline:
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
or visit their Web site at:

If you, or your loved one, is younger, this is a great resource:
Love Is Respect -- National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline
1-866-331-9474 | 1-866-331-8453 TTY

And, if you -- or someone you care about -- isn't sure if their situation is
"that bad," please check out MOSAIC:


After attending Silas Parks' sentencing yesterday, I happened across this
powerful documentary on KUID last night:

Throughout the show, I couldn't help sadly wondering what a timeline of
Sarah's years with her killer would look like.  Before the final attack,
there were three "documented" instances of domestic violence, but how many
"undocumented" ones?

How is it in God's green acres that violence against an intimate partner
***ever*** gets reduced to "disturbing the peace"?!?!  I don't know that
it's unusual here in Latah County because it happened to me almost 22 years
ago, and I then had to put up with my abuser stalking me on campus & around
town, and harassing me by phone.  Honestly, I guess I'd hoped that Latah
County had progressed in all the years since then, and it broke my heart to
learn that it's STILL HAPPENING HERE.  Is it any wonder, then, why victims
feel trapped?

Sarah's killer had "successfully" completed anger management counseling . .
. yet he still killed her and her unborn daughter.  Are we selling domestic
violence victims specifically -- and society as a whole -- a bill of goods .
. . a false sense of security . . . with the whole notion of "anger
management counseling?"  I'm inclined to think so.  I'm not saying that all
abusers will become a Silas Parks, but if it's you, or your loved one, or
your friend or neighbor or co-worker or fellow worshipper or parishioner, is
it worth the risk??? 

"Changing Outcomes
While we will never be able to change the ending to Amy’s story, we hope
that its telling can change outcomes for the millions of victims, survivors,
and loved ones affected by domestic violence every day."

For those who are interested in watching "Telling Amy's Story," it will be
rebroadcast on KUID:
August 6, 2010 (Friday)
HD (2)
Telling Amy's Story 7:00 pm

August 8, 2010 (Sunday)
Telling Amy's Story 1:00 am

HD (2)
Telling Amy's Story 12:00 am

August 9, 2010 (Monday)
HD (2)
Telling Amy's Story 1:00 am

If anyone reading this is involved in an abusive relationship, ***please***
know there's help available.

Locally, there's Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse (ATVP):

If you're uncomfortable for some reason making local contact, you can call
the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or visit their
Web site at:

If you, or your loved one, is younger, this is a great resource:
Love Is Respect -- National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline
1-866-331-9474 | 1-866-331-8453 TTY

And, if you -- or someone you care about -- isn't sure if their situation is
"that bad," please check out MOSAIC:

Saundra Lund
Moscow, ID

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do
~ Edmund Burke

***** Original material contained herein is Copyright 2010 through life plus
70 years, Saundra Lund.  Do not copy, forward, excerpt, or reproduce outside
the Vision 2020 forum without the express written permission of the

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