[Vision2020] Collision Comment

keely emerinemix kjajmix1 at msn.com
Sun Nov 15 07:29:34 PST 2009

I can't even get my son to unload the dishwasher.  You know, I just don't think I have the kind of power to elevate Wilson to the halls of culture and media.  


Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 21:30:38 -0800
From: donovanjarnold2008 at yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Collision Comment
To: deco at moscow.com; vision2020 at moscow.com; kjajmix1 at msn.com

Mr. Wilson gets so much press because the press knows you will read, talk about, and encourage others to read and talk about him. If the press knew you didn't care, and didn't talk about him, they wouldn't keep printing it.
The more posts you make with Doug Wilson and Moscow in it the higher on the list it will be on the Google Search Returns for Moscow and Doug Wilson. 
See how that works?
Donovan Arnold

--- On Sat, 11/14/09, keely emerinemix <kjajmix1 at msn.com> wrote:

From: keely emerinemix <kjajmix1 at msn.com>
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Collision Comment
To: deco at moscow.com, vision2020 at moscow.com
Date: Saturday, November 14, 2009, 5:37 PM


As I've said before, and no doubt will say again, it is astonishing to me that the evangelical world has decided to elevate Wilson to the status of spokesman for the faith.  His theology is deficient, his debate skills are lacking, his character and conduct are grievous, and thousands of people across the country, a few hundred of them in Moscow, don't seem to care.  In a U.S. evangelical community that's full of dedicated, brilliant, kind, humble, probing, academically sharp scholars, this is who gets the press?

And no, I don't identify myself as one of the "dedicated, brilliant . . . "  But I am a Christian, and after seven years of studying Wilson's work and ministries, I can say, with full awareness of my own lack of formal education and abundant shortcomings, I would not recommend any part of any ministry, school, publication or movement that in any way originates from Anselm House to any person -- believer
 or atheist, man or woman, young or old.  Yeah, I think it's that bad.

So, in a fallen world, I guess it makes sense that Wilson gets the microphone, but it's tragic nonetheless.  


From: deco at moscow.com
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 07:32:42 -0800
Subject: [Vision2020] Collision Comment

Emphasis Added.

Douglas Wilson is a sleazebag…and the universe doesn’t care!
Douglas Wilson recently wrote a piece over at The Huffington Post entitled, Atheists Suck at Being Atheists, wherein he chides atheists, and Christopher Hitchens in particular, for their unwillingness to face up the the logical conclusions of their atheism. If there is no God, then of course there is nothing in the physical, material universe except, well, the physical, material universe. Which means that human beings and everything else are just a composite of chemicals that act and interact in certain ways at certain temperatures. But atheists don’t want to face up to this reality. They thunder on like Old Testament prophets against things like hypocrisy, homophobia, racism, human suffering and evil, and that slimebag, Douglas Wilson.
Take the outspoken atheist, P.Z.
 Myers, for example, over at his blog, Pharyngula. Upon finding out who Douglas Wilson is – he being the pastor from Moscow, Idaho and the foil for Chris Hitchens in the superb film Collision – he puts the screws to him with obvious gusto…
A reader wrote in to inform me of who Wilson is, and I was appalled. He has a ministry in Idaho which has ties to the white supremacy movement!…He runs a private school in Idaho that celebrates Robert E. Lee’s birthday; he wants a “cultural reformation” in America, and his model, his ideal, is the antebellum Confederacy… Here’s a collection of links that point to the vileness of this
 sleazebag…I don’t understand at all why Hitchens would want to be associated with such a creature, unless he was specifically seeking out the very worst that American Christianity brings to the table. Unfortunately, he’s contributing to the reputation of a monstrous blight on the Palouse, a racist, theocratic ideologue whom people of that region deplore.
Did I mention that Myers is an atheist? But not a consistent one, for a consistent atheist would know that Wilson is just a bearded, paunchy sack of complex chemicals bouncing around and thus, Wilson’s views on race – even if true by Myers’ account – are just a product of the chemical makeup of his brain. Further, Myers would also know that, given atheism, there is no such thing as racism or bigotry or “monstrous blight” or any other supposed
 “evil,” since everything is just matter in motion, atoms bumping into each other and godless evolution devouring one species after another. Myers writes as though he has some basis, some standard, for condemning Wilson as a pile of human filth. But I’d like to know what this standard is and where it’s written and why I or anyone else has to follow it. Seeing as there is no God, why should Myers care? The universe doesn’t, and when he and Wilson finally die, there will be no God to bring either of them to account for anything. It’s about time the “new” atheists stop writing moral checks with Christian capital.

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