[Vision2020] More Banning?

bear at moscow.com bear at moscow.com
Thu Jun 18 09:17:55 PDT 2009


I never said they suggested it.  Bill Parks was the speaker and he brought
up his two non-smoking pool playing friends that want it banned. he also
brought up that the City Attorney passed out to the Council, the Eagle
Idaho Ord. so that they would have an example, and he did mention that
members of the City Council "responded with interest". He also brought up
the facebook page that was started by Catherine Whittier and "she could be
a great help to us all".

I am suspicious that PRIOR to it being "submitted" by Bill Parks, that the
City Attorney ALREADY had passed out copies of the ban enacted by Eagle.
Sounds to me like something was happening behind the scene BEFORE Bill 
"suggested" it to the Council, otherwise, why would the City Attorney have
researched it prior?

This is just an example of something that isn't currently
regulated/controlled by the city, but IS regulated already. It's regulated
by the patrons with their pocket books. IF you don't like the smoke, then
DON'T GO THERE!  I'm sorry Bill's friend's wife won't go play pool with
him because other people smoke there!  And just as an aside, wouldn't such
control put the Hooka Bar out of business? Does the city have to "control"
everything? It was Jefferson that said the best government is the
government that governs the least.

> I believe that you may be mistaken, Bear
> The topic of banning smoking in public places was not suggested by our
> city council.
> This topic was submitted to the city council on May 18th by a private
> citizen during the "Public Comments" section of the city council session.
> http://www.moscowcares.com/051809_PubCom_SmokingBan.htm
> Tom Hansen
> Moscow, Idaho
>> Well, it looks like our city council is up to more banning in the city
>> as
>> Moscow seeks to ban smoking in bars. What they should ban in bars is
>> drinking!
>>  In the Journal of  Public Economics, (Journal of Public
>> Economics,Volume
>> 92, Issues 5-6, June 2008), "Using geographic variation in local and
>> state smoke-free bar laws in the US, we observe an increase in fatal
>> accidents involving alcohol following bans on smoking in bars that is
>> not
>> observed in places without bans. Although an increased accident risk
>> might seem surprising at first, two strands of literature on consumer
>> behavior suggest potential explanations — smokers driving longer
>> distances to a bordering jurisdiction that allows smoking in bars and
>> smokers driving longer distances within their jurisdiction to bars that
>> still allow smoking, perhaps through non-compliance or outdoor seating.
>> We find evidence consistent with both explanations. The increased miles
>> driven by drivers wishing to smoke and drink offsets any reduction in
>> driving from smokers choosing to stay home following a ban, resulting in
>> increased alcohol-related accidents. Nationwide in 2005, there were
>> about
>> 17,000 alcohol related fatalities.
>> So if the "blue noses" on City Council want to ban smoking, and cut down
>> on DUI's, they should ban drinking too!  But wait, that would cause all
>> of
>> the lost revenue due to DUI arrests. And if ANY political body is
>> serious
>> about DUI, why not make the legal limit ZERO? Right now, you're allowed
>> to
>> drive a little bit drunk .08 but God forbid that you should have a
>> cigarette!
>> It all depends on who's ox is being gored.
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> "The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimist expects it to change
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> - Unknown

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