[Vision2020] Sotomayor: US Supreme Court's Sixth Catholic?

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 07:48:49 PDT 2009

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 06:15, g. crabtree<jampot at roadrunner.com> wrote:

> "I don't automatically extend personhood to the pre-born (and the "40
> week old person" was only just added)."

The "only just added" referred to the late entry -- or redefinition --
(in the discussion) of the pre-born as a "40 week old person."

Your question is a good one, but has also been rehashed ad nauseum.
However, I posit that a bit of organic matter consisting of ejaculate
only recently introduced to an egg has less claim to personhood than
an actual, inarguable man or woman who may or may not be guilty of the
crime which condemns them to death.  That is the strange dichotomy:
many pro-lifers care more for the life that would be indistinguishable
 on a Kleenex without sophisticated instrumentation than they care for
the life of a known human being.

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