[Vision2020] Sotomayor: US Supreme Court's Sixth Catholic?

bear at moscow.com bear at moscow.com
Wed Jun 10 20:12:39 PDT 2009


I see your point, but then the unborn child, or "pre-born" if you will has
the same rights as the post born?


> Isn't a pre-born child the very definition of innocence while a convicted
> murderer epitomizes its polar opposite? The notion of having no regard for
> the former while extending all consideration to the later seems screwed up
> and backward in the extreme.
> Murder the infant and lavish mercy on Joseph Duncan? This seems just?
> Really?
> g
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <bear at moscow.com>
> To: "Paul Rumelhart" <godshatter at yahoo.com>
> Cc: "Moscow Vision 2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 7:31 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Sotomayor: US Supreme Court's Sixth Catholic?
>> Ted and Paul,
>> I guess i have to ask the question, "Does it make a difference one way
>> or
>> the other"?
>> Taking myself as an example, I was raised and am a practicing Catholic.
>> I
>> do not believe in abortions at all, however, I do believe in choice. Pro
>> choice does NOT equal pro-abortion.
>> And just as an aside, have you ever noticed how the "anti-abortion"
>> folks
>> are usually pro death penalty?  I think those of us that oppose the
>> death
>> penalty (which I do), should just call it post-birth abortions and we
>> could get most of the anti-abortion folks on board!
>> Wayne
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Ted Moffett wrote:
>>>> On 6/5/09, *Paul Rumelhart* <godshatter at yahoo.com
>>>> <mailto:godshatter at yahoo.com>> wrote:
>>>>     I used to speculate wildly about whether or not our former
>>>>     President was
>>>>     really a believer or if he was blatantly manipulating the
>>>> religious
>>>>     right through their own predilictions (or both).  What it comes
>>>>     down to
>>>>     is this: we can't look into their hearts.  Sotomayor may be the
>>>> most
>>>>     devout Catholic evar, but doesn't outwardly show it on a
>>>> day-to-day
>>>>     basis.  For all I know, she goes to church three times a week just
>>>> to
>>>>     get away from her family.  We just can't know.
>>>> Why do you state "we just can't know" about Sotomayor's regularity of
>>>> church attendance?
>>> Rereading that, I see I wasn't very clear.  I'm not saying "we just
>>> can't know" about her regularity of church attendance.  I'm saying "we
>>> just can't know" what's in her heart, what she actually believes deep
>>> down inside.  The most regular church attender might be a closet
>>> Luciferan Satanist, people who never go to church may be extremely
>>> spiritual Christians.  We can speculate wildly about what they actually
>>> believe.  We can even read what they claim to believe, but we'll never
>>> know exactly what they actually believe, because we can't get inside
>>> their heads or their hearts.
>>> At the time I wrote it, I didn't know how often she attended church, so
>>> I covered both sides of the spectrum.  My point still stands - we can't
>>> look into her heart so we can't know for certain if she's a "true
>>> believer" or not.
>>> Paul
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