[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Monday Agendas

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Jul 24 15:33:38 PDT 2009





Monday, July 27, 2009
3:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.      Approval of Minutes July 13, 2009 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Report on Southeast Moscow Industrial Park Master Planning
Project - Bill Belknap

As the Council is aware, the City was recently awarded a $50,000 Gem
Grant from the Idaho Department of Commerce for the purposes of
developing a master plan for the development of an industrial park in
the southeast region of the City.  Staff has prepared a Request for
Qualifications (RFQ) for and consultant to assist in the preparation of
the master plan and have distributed it to 42 qualified firms in the
northwest region.  Staff will report on the responses received at the
Committee meeting. 


ACTION:  Receive report; or take such other action as deemed appropriate


3.      Bike Rack Program - Jen Pfiffner/Heather Smith/Kathleen Burns

The City of Moscow is promoting a Bike Rack Program which seeks to
encourage and facilitate biking as a viable means of transportation
within the City.  The program is designed to promote local cooperation
and provide matching reimbursement funds for the purchase of bicycle
racks for local businesses.  The program in includes matching
reimbursement funds of $100 per rack for the purchase of one or more
A-frame bike racks per rack, bicycle rack location assistance,
eligibility for an ARTful Bike Rack (separate program)and recognition of
the recipients through news releases and City of Moscow web site.  In
addition to the City of Moscow Bike Rack Program, City's Arts Department
is sponsoring an ARTful component to create up to ten (10) design
enhancements to the City's Bike Rack program standard A-frame bike racks
to be installed.  These functional artworks will contribute
aesthetically to the City of Moscow supporting our growing bike-riding
community.  On behalf of the City of Moscow, artists will be selected by
the ARTful Bicycle Committee including Moscow Arts Commission members,
City staff, bicycle enthusiasts, business owners and citizens.
Compensation will be $200 per rack.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of program as proposed or give further


4.      Bus Shelter Repairs - Gary J. Riedner

In May 2008, the City of Moscow installed two bus shelters on campus,
one in front of the Wallace Complex, the other in front of St.
Augustine's Church.  On June 29 or 30, 2009, both shelters were
vandalized resulting in the breakage of two panes of glass, one in each
of the shelters, also destroying the artistic element for that portion
each shelter.  The police report for that incident is attached.
Additional panes for the structures were received as part of the
original shelter package.  The City has received a bid for repairs of
the artwork and installation of the pane at the St. Augustine shelter by
Daydreamin' Graphics, the contractor who etched the original artwork in
the shelter.  That bid cost is $955 and is attached as well.  The pane
at the Wallace Complex shelter will be installed by City staff, artwork
at this time will not be replaced as the entire vinyl artwork scheme is
scheduled for replacement at a later date.


ACTION:  Recommend making payment as proposed or give further direction.



Minimum Wage/Living Wage - Leslie Moss


Future Agenda Items

Policy & Procedure for Closing of Main Street

Business Registration / Business Licenses - Travis Cary

Salisbury Park Naming Request - Dwight Curtis (8/10)

Heart of the Arts Quarterly Report - Dwight Curtis/Jenny Sheneman (8/10)

Events Recycling Policy - Dwight Curtis (8/10)

Green House Gas Emissions Inventory - Heather Smith/Gary Riedner (8/10)


NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.






Monday, July 27, 2009
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor 

1.      Approval of Minutes of July 13, 2009 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Quarterly Financial Report -Sue Nelson


ACTION:  Accept report.


3.      Lot Line Adjustment at 936 and 1006 W. Pullman Road - Mike Ray

Karl Tyler is requesting a lot line adjustment for two (2) adjacent
124,665 and 20,280 sq ft parcels of land currently addressed as 936 and
1006 W Pullman Road in the City of Moscow. The applicant is requesting
to amend the lot line which separates the two parcels, rendering Parcel
1 - 115,515 sq ft and Parcel 2 - 29,430 sq ft as shown on the attached
map. The proposed lots are in the Motor Business (MB) Zone which has no
minimum lot size or minimum lot width requirements for commercial uses.
The result of the proposed lot line adjustment will meet all zoning
requirements for parcels located in the MB Zone.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of lot line adjustment or take such other
action deemed appropriate.


4.      Comprehensive Sewer System Plan Professional Services Agreement
- Les MacDonald/Tom Scallorn

As part of the management of a public utility, it is prudent to perform
a periodic review of the existing system and an assessment of system
needs to resolve existing issues and meet long term growth,
rehabilitation, and capacity demands.  The State of Idaho has, in recent
years, recognized the importance of such reviews and has joined most
other States in requiring public water and sewer systems to prepare a
System Facilities Plan which accomplishes these assessments.  A
Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan (CSSP) meets the requirements
of the State for a System Facilities Plan by providing a review of the
existing system, identification of system inadequacies, and detailing
system improvements to resolve deficiencies and meet future growth
needs.  Public Works prepared a draft scope of work and a Request for
Qualifications (RFQ) which was advertised. Seven Statements of
Qualification (SOQ) were received and reviewed.  After an initial
screening, four consultants were interviewed and the selection committee
chose Keller Associates to perform the study.  The draft scope of
services has been substantially reviewed and revised with the assistance
of Keller Associates and a draft professional services agreement
prepared for Council consideration.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of Agreement or take such other action
deemed appropriate.


5.      FY2009 Amendment to Fee Resolution - Don Palmer/Gary Riedner

Staff has prepared the changes to the FY 2009 Fee Resolution.  According
to Idaho law, a public hearing must be held if individual fee increases
exceed 5% of the previous year.  At the July 20, 2009 City Council
Meeting, the City Council approved an Ordinance prohibiting smoking in
bars and private clubs and within 20 feet of public places where smoking
is prohibited by the Idaho Clean Indoor Air Act.  The Council also
adopted a schedule of fines for violations of that Ordinance.


ACTION:  Forward item to Council for public hearing on August 3, 2009 or
take such other action deemed appropriate.


6.      FY2010 Annual Fee Resolution - Don Palmer/Gary Riedner

Staff has prepared the proposed FY 2009-2010 fee resolution.  According
to Idaho law, a public hearing must be held if individual fee increases
exceed 5% of the previous year.  The FY 2009- 2010 budget reviewed
during a budget workshop conducted on July 13, 2009 and public hearing
on the Council Approved Budget on August 3, 2009 is based on the
proposed fee resolution.  Increased fees to utilities include:  water
and sewer utility fees.   Parks and Recreation fees for those programs
requiring existing, new and/or special program fees are included in the
fee resolution.  Some fees listed will increase by 5% or more.


ACTION:  Forward to Council for public hearing or take such other action
deemed appropriate.


7.      Request for Direction Relating to Arbitration Agreement with
Hawkins Companies - Gary Riedner/Randy Fife

On January 30, 2007, the City and Hawkins Companies LLC of Boise, Idaho
(Hawkins) entered into a tentative agreement to settle various water
related issues.  That Settlement Agreement was ratified by City Council
on February 4, 2008.  Part of the Hawkins Settlement Agreement required
the City to make application to the Idaho Department of Water Resources
(IDWR) for a determination that authorizes the City to supply water to
the Stateline Project in Washington.  The City was required to prosecute
the IDWR application with diligence and all reasonable efforts at its
sole cost and expense until it received final IDWR approval which,
according to the Settlement Agreement, means an order or other written
determination by IDWR that constitutes final agency action approving the
application and one which is not subject to any appeal and is beyond the
time for filing any further appeals.  The City made an application with
IDWR requesting the ability to supply the Stateline Project with water
on May 29, 2008.  IDWR is of the opinion that no application can be
processed without a joint powers agreement between a Washington
governmental unit and the City.  The IDWR opinion was based, in part,
upon advice given to it by the Idaho Attorney General's office.  As a
result of direction of Council given in October of 2008, State
legislation was proposed which would have eliminated the need of the
City to enter into a joint powers agreement to supply water to the
Stateline Project.  The legislation was unsuccessful.  Recent
communication confirms that the Idaho AG's opinion regarding the
necessity of a joint powers agreement has not changed. 


ACTION:  Receive the report and give direction to City Staff.



Construction Update - Kevin Lilly


Future Agenda Items:

Snow Removal Task Force Update - Dwight Curtis (8/10)


NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.



Stephanie Kalasz, CMC

Moscow City Clerk


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