[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Committee Agendas for Monday

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Jan 9 14:03:05 PST 2009




Monday, January 12, 2009
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.      Election of Committee Chair and Vice Chair


2.      Approval of Minutes December 22, 2008 - Laurie Lewis


3.      Portable Sign Code Amendment - Bill Belknap

The City's Sign Code includes a specific definition of what is called a
Portable Sign.  Portable Signs are prohibited within all zoning
districts except for the sidewalk signage allowed within the Central
Business District.  Since the City Council received several requests to
amend the City's Sign Code to allow portable signage within commercial
districts outside of the Central Business District, they directed the
Planning and Zoning Commission to prepare a code amendment that would
allow the use of portable signage within the General and Motor Business
Zoning District subject to reasonable regulations related to their size,
number, placement and display.  Staff presented a draft ordinance for
the Commission's consideration at the Commission's November 12th meeting
at which time the Commission requested that a few modifications be made.
Staff completed those modifications and distributed the revised draft to
the Commission and the Moscow Chamber of Commerce for review.  The
Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing on the
proposed ordinance on December 10th, 2008 at which time the Commission
recommended approval with three minor modifications.  Staff has revised
the proposed ordinance in accordance with the Commission's
recommendation and this matter has been scheduled for a public hearing
before the City Council at their January 20th meeting.

ACTION:  Receive report in anticipation of the public hearing to be held
on January 20, 2009.


4.      List of Potential Infrastructure Projects - Gary J. Riedner

Administration and City Department Heads have compiled an inventory of
construction-ready and assorted other projects in anticipation of any
economic stimulus packages for infrastructure that the new presidential
administration may develop.  Projects have been prioritized by
readiness, with those that are closest to construction classified as
Tier 1, those that have been discussed but need additional information
to be construction ready classified as Tier 2 and additional items that
are not necessarily construction projects listed as Tier 3 items.  The
Clearwater Economic Development Association (CEDA) has collected
information from cities in this region.  The Tier 1 list was shared with
them for inclusion on December 22, 2008.  The list is included for
Committee review and input, Public Works and Parks and Recreation will
be available for the discussion.


ACTION:  Provide input and provide staff direction, or other such action
deemed appropriate.


5.      Request by Waste Management, Inc. to Assign Solid Waste Export
Contract to Waste Connections of Idaho, Inc. - Gary J. Riedner/Randy

The City has received a request from Waste Management, Inc. to assign
its right under the contract to Waste Connections of Idaho, Inc. which
is the company that has been subcontracting the actual hauling of
municipal solid waste from Waste Management.  The terms of the contract
between the City of Moscow and Waste Management contains a provision
which allows for assignment with the City's written consent. Staff is in
the process of reviewing the contract and will make a recommendation to
the City Council when that review is completed.


ACTION:  Review request pursuant to contract and make recommendation to
City Council.


6.      Regional Landfill Joint Powers Agreement - Gary J. Riedner/Randy

Five (5) counties (Nez Perce, Latah, Clearwater, Idaho, and Lewis) have
been discussing the creation of a joint powers agreement creating a
Solid Waste Advisory Board (SWAB).  The SWAB would control a shared
solid waste land fill in one of the five (5) counties to be operated by
Idaho Waste Systems, Inc. (IWS).  The purpose of the shared facility
would be to save costs on transportation and to ensure capacity for the
respective counties' waste streams at a projected cost savings on the
tonnage fees.  Recently the counties have considered inviting the cities
of Lewiston and Moscow to join in the discussions and a formal agreement
regarding reuse, recycling, storage, and/or disposal of solid waste at
the proposed facility.  Additionally, IWS has put forward preliminary
tonnage fees which are expected to apply to the shared facility.


ACTION:  Receive information, ask questions, and give general direction
to staff regarding City interest in the program.


7.      Proposed Ordinance Change Regarding Excavation Deposits - Randy

City Council recently passed Resolution No. 2009-01 changing the amount
of the deposits for excavation permits.  The City Code currently
indicates that the security deposit shall be up to an amount of two
thousand dollars ($2,000) and in accordance with the rate schedule
adopted by City Council.  In order to allow for the possibility of
security deposits in an amount greater than two thousand dollars
($2,000), the Code should be amended.  The proposed amendment will allow
the Council to change the amounts for deposits and/or bonds related to
excavation permits without the further necessity of changing Moscow City


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the proposed change or take such other
action deemed appropriate.


8.      Legislative Discussion - Gary J. Riedner




FEMA Community Rating System Audit Report - Bill Belknap


Future Agenda Items

Policy & Procedure for Closing of Main Street

Business Registration and Virtual/No Impact Businesses

Proposed Amendment to City's Equal Opportunity Employment Policy - Mayor
Chaney/Randy Fife


NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.






Monday, January 12, 2009
4:30 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor 


1.      Election of Committee Chair and Vice Chair


2.      Approval of Minutes of December 22, 2008 - Laurie Lewis


3.      Approval of Disbursement Report for December 2008 - Don Palmer


4.      Approval of Quarterly Financial Reports for Sept. 30, 2008 and
Dec. 31, 2008 - Don Palmer

Idaho Code 50-1011 requires that the City Treasurer publish a quarterly
financial report in the official City newspaper.  It has been our
practice to present the quarterly report to the City Council as well.


5.      Moscow Valley Transit Ridership Report - Tom La Pointe


ACTION:   Accept report.


6.      Local highway Assistance Council (LHTAC) Surface Transportation
Program (STP) Local Urban Grant Application Funds for a City
Transportation Plan - Les MacDonald/Alisa Stone

The city of Moscow has been invited to apply for a federal-aid project.
State and federal funding programs are encouraging cities to have a
"Local Transportation Plan."  Many of the programs (i.e. ITD and FTA)
include 10 to 20 points in their ranking criteria for those applicants
which have a completed "Local Transportation Plan".  It is anticipated
that a formalized plan will be required of grant applicants in the
future.  Attached is a sample work program provided by LHTAC showing
detailed components of a plan.  Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is
recommending that the city of Moscow apply for STP Local Urban funding
to prepare this document.  A completed plan prepared by a specialized
engineering consultant firm can cost up to $300,000.  The local match
requirement is 7.34 percent.  In anticipation of this project, a
designated fund of $5,000 was established in the 2009 Street Department
budget with plans for additional funding to be accumulated to meet the
match requirement of approximately $22,000 for a $278,000 funding
request.  This request must be submitted to the ITD District Office by
January 30, 2009.


ACTION:  Recommend approval to submit a $278,000 request to LHTAC under
the STP Local Urban Funding Program for preparation of a "Local
Transportation Plan" or take such other action deemed appropriate.


7.      Ordinance for Corporate Limits of the City of Moscow - Les

Idaho State Code requires that all cities within the State of Idaho
designate their legal corporate limits each year.  In order to
accomplish this, a new legal description of the corporate limits is
developed at the beginning of the year that incorporates any and all
changes to the city boundary that have occurred during the last calendar
year.  In order to maintain compliance with this State statute the
attached ordinance is presented to adopt the official legal description
for the City of Moscow corporate limits. The new Ordinance will amend
Ordinance No. 2006-01 establishing and declaring corporate limits of the
City of Moscow, Latah County, Idaho.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Ordinance or take such other action
deemed appropriate.


8.      List of Potential Infrastructure Projects - Gary J. Riedner

Administration and City Department Heads have compiled an inventory of
construction-ready and assorted other projects in anticipation of any
economic stimulus packages for infrastructure that the new presidential
administration may develop.  Projects have been prioritized by
readiness, with those that are closest to construction classified as
Tier 1, those that have been discussed but need additional information
to be construction ready classified as Tier 2 and additional items that
are not necessarily construction projects listed as Tier 3 items.  The
Clearwater Economic Development Association (CEDA) has collected
information from cities in this region.  The Tier 1 list was shared with
them for inclusion on December 22, 2008.  The list is included for
Committee review and input, Public Works and Parks and Recreation will
be available for the discussion.


ACTION:  Provide input and provide staff direction, or other such action
deemed appropriate.


9.      Legislative Discussion - Gary J. Riedner




Snow Removal 



Future Agenda Items

Installation of Purple Pipe with New Construction, Street Projects, etc.
- Les MacDonald

Landlord-Tenant Billing for Utilities - Don Palmer



NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.




Stephanie Kalasz, CMC

Moscow City Clerk


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