[Vision2020] Presidential Rankings (2009)

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 00:04:19 PST 2009

This has been debated endlessly for over half a century, and there is
no definitive answer, nor will there ever be.

Kim Stanley Robinson wrote a short story on this subject called "The
Lucky Strike," and it solidified my feelings on the matter.


"The clouds below were a white scree on the black ocean . . . He was
the one who had to drop the bomb.  He was the one . . . not the
generals and scientists back home, not Truman and his advisers.
Truman—suddenly January hated him. Roosevelt would have done it
differently. If only Roosevelt had lived! The grief that had filled
January when he learned of Roosevelt's death reverberated through him
again . . . Back at the start of it all he had declared that civilian
centers were never to be bombed . . . And now it was smiling bastard
Harry Truman, ordering him . . . to drop the sun on two hundred
thousand women and children."

I won't spoil the ending.  It's quite a good story.  I would recommend
it to anyone discussing this subject.


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