[Vision2020] State Faculty Union Responds to Financial Crisis

Joe Campbell philosopher.joe at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 06:35:39 PDT 2009

It is not a plan. It is an argument about fairness. I don't see it  
having any chance of happening, nor am I trying to make it happen.

My point is only that it would be the fair thing to do and that it is  
a better idea than the idea of asking state employees to shoulder the  
burden alone.

Think of it this way. Would you ever give up 3% of your pay to another  
locksmith who was afraid of losing his job? No. But when you ask all  
state employees to give 3% of their pay to help the some who are in  
danger of loosing their jobs, you are in effect asking folks to do  
something similar.

The main point of my posts is that this is a bad and unfair plan.  
Maybe my "plan" is bad too but at least it is fair!

Joe Campbell

On Apr 29, 2009, at 6:16 AM, "g. crabtree" <jampot at roadrunner.com>  

> The point, originally, was that imposing additional tax on people  
> who are already taking a hit from the economic down turn so that  
> state employees won't be forced to do the same was a poorly  
> conceived plan. Everything else was you being simple.
> g
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Joe Campbell
> To: g. crabtree
> Cc: a ; <vision2020 at moscow.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 9:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] State Faculty Union Responds to Financial  
> Crisis
> You are distorting my point, which was a simple one.
> Joe Campbell
> On Apr 28, 2009, at 7:40 PM, "g. crabtree" <jampot at roadrunner.com>  
> wrote:
>> "If you can't see a connection between the anti-tax rhetoric of
>> teabaggers like yourself and the fact that staff at UI and WSU will
>> lose their jobs soon, that is not my fault."
>> Once again you attempt to shift the argument to new ground. (a  
>> familiar, albeit clumsy, tactic) So be it, please point out how  
>> those of us who were expressing our dissatisfaction with federal  
>> spending on 15 April caused the budget shortfall that has brought  
>> about the need to implement cut backs at the local universities  
>> today. Please explain how being unhappy that Our Beloved Leader  
>> will increase the deficit by 2.3 trillion dollars has anything to  
>> do with the current need for 3% cut to employees wages to keep the  
>> '09/10 budget in check. Please show me the big tax reduction that  
>> protesters rammed down the throat of legislators in Boise that will  
>> necessitate the mass lay offs you speak of.
>> The FACT that tax revenue in Idaho is down and cuts need to be made  
>> has nothing to do with the events of two weeks ago. Trying to bring  
>> it in as a factor is disingenuous. Or were you shooting for some  
>> sort of primal cave man logic?
>> taxes = all that is good (puppies, jobs, world peace)
>> people in favor of less tax = all that is evil (cancer,  
>> unemployment, terrorism)
>> If so, congratulations. Who could argue with reasoning like that.
>> g
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Joe Campbell" <philosopher.joe at gmail.com>
>> To: "g. crabtree" <jampot at roadrunner.com>
>> Cc: "a" <smith at turbonet.com>; <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 5:44 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] State Faculty Union Responds to Financial  
>> Crisis
>> > The problem is a problem about state employees, Crabtree. Most of  
>> the
>> > money for the salaries at issue comes from state revenues.
>> >
>> > If you can't see a connection between the anti-tax rhetoric of
>> > teabaggers like yourself and the fact that staff at UI and WSU will
>> > lose their jobs soon, that is not my fault, and I will not pay the
>> > price for your ignorance, at least not alone.
>> >
>> > The connection is really very simple: these are some of the ways in
>> > which your tax dollars are used, to pay the salaries of Roger's  
>> wife,
>> > Paul, and folks like myself. When you reduce taxes, many such  
>> people
>> > -- of which there are a lot in the area -- lose their jobs.  
>> This      is
>> > OUR problem, not my problem.
>> >
>> > Joe Campbell
>> >
>> =======================================================
>> =======================================================
>> >
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