[Vision2020] "Harsh" Interrogations -As ye sow,so shall you
bear at moscow.com
bear at moscow.com
Thu Apr 23 20:13:51 PDT 2009
And as for the then Commander in Chief,
Before the end of President Bush's second term newsmedia in other countries started
opining that
under the United Nations Convention Against Torture the US is obligated to hold those
responsible for prisoner abuse to account under criminal law. This view was corroborated
United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or
punishment -Professor Manfred Nowak- on January 20, 2008 remarked on German television
following the inauguration of Barack Obama as new President, George W. Bush had lost his
of state immunity and under international law the U.S. would now be mandated to start
proceedings against all those involved in these violations of the UN Convention Against
Law professor Dietmar Herz explained Novak's comments by saying that under U.S. and
international law former President Bush is criminally responsible for adopting torture as
interrogation tool.
1. Is water boarding torture?
2. Was it used as an interrogation tool?
3. Was G.W. Bush
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