[Vision2020] Vision2020 Digest, Vol 27, Issue 221

roger hayes rhayes at turbonet.com
Wed Sep 24 07:13:09 PDT 2008

The moment drivers step out of their cars they become pedestrians. So 
it is not a matter of them (pedestrians/bicyclists) vs us (motorists). 
Most Moscovites have taken a spin on their bicycles. Relatively, Moscow 
is a pedestrian/bicycle friendly city. However, Jefferson and Jackson 
streets, however, are deadly. The speeds which most motorists travel on 
those roads are way too fast. Same with the Pullman highway. Within the 
urban core, one must be aware that pedestrians and bicyclists may be 
crossing the roads. People need to get from place to place.
Idaho code mandates that cars stop for pedestrians. Motorists must also 
share the lane with bicycles (actually the language is quite a bit 
stronger and more concise than this. Look it up.).
The greatest nightmare would be to injure a pedestrian or bicyclist 
while driving. Therefore, while I am driving I am looking out for 
everything that may cause an accident. We are not a perfect species. 
Bicyclists and pedestrians can be irresponsible and careless. So can 
motorists. Getting angry behind the wheel impairs judgment and ability 
to operate the vehicle safely. It also ruins one's day. Who needs the 
Finally, sorry to bring this up, but as fuel costs become out of reach 
for many Moscovites, the number of bicycles and pedestrians is going to 
increase. It is something we are going to have to get used to and 

Roger Hayes
Bicyclist / Pedestrian / Driver
> Yes thank you. We can spend thousands if not millions for a crosswalk 
> and stoplight at every intersection, but it will not solve idiots 
> crossing whenever they wish. I am sick and tired of pedestrians and 
> bikers doing as they please, then blaming the driver who just hit 
> them, when they were at fault.
> Two years ago I hit an idiot who thought he could wear headphones and 
> not use a crosswalk. This smuck decides that he can cross without even 
> looking and what do you know, I smack him with my passenger side 
> mirror. After I stop and he gathers what just happened, I jump out, 
> throw my hands in the air(like WTF are you doing), he just walks off 
> like it was a daily event. No respect to others or himself.
> No doubt, drivers need to keep their eyes open at all times. We all 
> could slow down and stop for the person trying to cross the street. On 
> the flip note, If I am a pedestrian, I will make darn sure the street 
> is clear before I cross it. The old rule of thumb, look twice then 
> cross, pops into mind.
> Bikers!!!!! QUIT moving from sidewalk to street then back to sidewalk. 
> If you feel you must congest the streets, then follow the rules. Use 
> hand signals, don't weave, and understand drivers don't know what your 
> next move is.
> Adding stop lights and crosswalks won't solve it. Prevention will. 
> Teach our youth to respect cars. Cars own the road not bikers and 
> pedestrians. Learn it, live it, teach it.
> matt

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