[Vision2020] one injured in bop-a-student crossing

Bev Bafus bevbafus at verizon.net
Tue Sep 23 07:25:58 PDT 2008

Sorry for the flip name, but that is what my family calls this very
dangerous pedestrian crossing.  I would like to see the City of Moscow, the
University of Idaho and the Idaho State Transporation Department work
together to solve this issue.  Ideally, this would involve construction of a
pedestrian bridge over Highway 8 - or at a bare minimum, a stoplight.

The City created this mess by allowing all the apartments on the north side
of Highway 8.

Bev Bafus

from the Lewiston Tribune---

UI student seriously injured
Victim airlifted to Spokane following car-pedestrian accident Tribune

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

MOSCOW - A Coeur d'Alene man attending the University of Idaho was severely
injured when a car hit him in a Moscow crosswalk Monday around noon, the
Moscow-Pullman Daily News reported.

James R. Hazelton, 20, is listed in satisfactory condition at Sacred Heart
Medical Center in Spokane, where he was airlifted after the accident, Moscow
Assistant Police Chief David Duke told the newspaper.

Duke didn't return phone calls from the Lewiston Tribune seeking details on
the accident. Duke told the Daily News that Pullman resident John P. Hunt,
85, struck Hazelton with a 1999 Dodge Intrepid. Hunt was cited for failure
to yield to a pedestrian.

Off-duty Lewiston Tribune reporter David Johnson was stopped at the
crosswalk on West Pullman Road at the Stinker gas station and witnessed the
accident. Johnson said he saw Hazelton enter the crosswalk walking south.

The crosswalk's warning lights had been activated and other motorists had
stopped, but one car traveling about 30 mph kept going, Johnson said.

"It didn't brake and hit him," he said. "He flew up in the air and
cartwheeled at least once."

Hazelton landed about 50 feet from where he was hit, said Johnson, who
immediately called 911 on his cell phone. He said Hunt slowed and turned
into the Tri-State store parking lot while bystanders and motorists rushed
to Hazelton's aid.

Johnson said a police motorcycle unit was on the scene in about a minute,
and was quickly followed by other emergency personnel.

Hazelton suffered massive leg trauma, Duke told the Moscow newspaper. The UI
directory lists Hazelton as a junior in the School of Journalism and Mass

New warning lights and signs were recently installed at the crosswalk to
help protect pedestrians.

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