[Vision2020] SarahPalin's Church Speech: US Troops Sent To Do God'sWill

Andreas Schou ophite at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 18:43:26 PDT 2008

> That this incredible amount of time and effort is being expended throwing
> everything including the kitchen sink at Governor Palin in a desperate
> effort to find some small thing with which to damage her doesn't speak very
> highly of Barry's campaign. If she were truly the insignificant and corrupt
> little mayor from Podunk that everyone on the left was making her out to be
> this amount of noise would be quite unnecessary. That the libs can speak of
> nothing else speaks volumes.

Gary --

So, um, what has Obama's campaign done, in terms of 'throwing
everything and the kitchen sink' at Palin?

-- ACS

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