[Vision2020] Weathermen

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Fri Oct 31 12:53:19 PDT 2008

Not that anybody gives a rat what I think, but . . .

As long as I have been a subscriber to Vision 2020 (several years), I  do 
not recall Joe Campbell EVER (not even once in jest) posting under a name 
other than "Joe Campbell".

You may disagree with what Joe has to say (I have on a few occasions), but 
Joe has always been a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kinda guy, all under 
one name and one name ONLY . . . Joe Campbell.  And I respect him very 
much for that.  He doesn't hide from anybody or anything.

REAL men and REAL women don't hide.

The type of moron that posts under a false name would cowar from his/her 
own shadow.

I realize that this posting will result in further name-calling, and maybe 
even some commentary referring to its imagined fantasy of my sexuality.

So be it.  Eventually it will crawl back under its rock and we adults can 
resume our discussions.

As the saying goes . . .

Even this shall come to pass.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

> A few things before I go back to my life off Vision 2020.
> First, I am not Gabe Storm. I'm not quite sure why No Weatherman hates
> me so much, why he likes spreading lies about me, but there doesn't seem
> to be much I can do about that. Remember he first entered the scene when
> he hounded me and it is interesting that he's doing the same thing to
> everyone else, which is why I'm not the only leaving the V.
> Second, I apologize for saying that I thought that No Weatherman was a
> Kirk, since it seems pretty clear to me now that he's not. I was wrong
> to make this assertion. Say what you want about them but I don't know of
> many Kirk's who are willing to throw their wives "under the bus." I
> think, in fact, it is pretty clear that No Weatherman and Gabe Storm are
> the same person, and that he is just gearing up for his post-election
> life where,  instead of hearing rumors and insults about Obama, we're
> going to be hearing rumors and insults about the Kirk.
> I had an unfortunate correspondence with a young troll a few years back,
> which started with an unpleasant exchange about capital punishment and
> moved to some off-line threats from young troll toward me. I accused him
> of being a Kirk and he got very offended. All I know about him is that
> he is young and his folks go to, or went to the Unitarian church. Not
> much to go on but if this rings a bell, please contact me off-list.
> Also, since I fear a long winter with more crazy talk from Gabe Storm,
> followed by accusations that he and I are one and the same, I'm trying
> to prepare. Does anyone know if this kind of stuff constitutes
> defamation, if I have any legal recourse, and if I do, does anyone know
> of a good lawyer whom I might contact for advice? I'm going to try to
> contact some folks at WSU, since it seems that any defamation against me
> is bad for them, as well. Perhaps I can find some assistance there. But
> my guess is that nothing can be done. I'd love for someone to prove me
> wrong!
> I worry about the V. Of course, I've been unable to post without one
> pest or another for about two years now, but it seems that since its
> worked so well against me, various forces have decided to try it on
> everyone else. I lament what seems to me to be the loss of free speech
> in Moscow.
> Best, Joe

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