[Vision2020] If the shoe was on the other foot (was A Plea to Saundra Lund)

Glenn Schwaller vpschwaller at gmail.com
Tue Oct 28 20:07:00 PDT 2008

Chaz Sez:

> Since President Bush screwed this country up more than any man in our
> entire history,

 Ummm, maybe the second-most screwerupper.  I'd have to vote Jimmy
Carter, the negotiator and signer of the "Panama Canal Treaties;
terminator of the Russian wheat deal, intended to establish trade with
the former Soviet Union and ease Cold War tensions; his dealing with
the Shah of Iran and handling of the hostage crisis; the worst
inflation, interest rate and unemployment numbers in recent history;
his gutting of the CIA; and his meddling in the Clinton administration
resulting a trade agreement which allowed North Korea to develop over
half a dozen nuclear weapons (no, that was NOT on Bush's watch) and on
and on and on . . .

>I fail to see how his association with a few
> ultimately innefectual radicals could have made things any worse.

Bush's association with a few radicals or Obama's association with a
few radicals??  Please try to keep your subjects and verbs in close
association.  And you spelled ineffectual incorrectly.
> I don't know who Jim Mellen is, or was, and you mention Mark Rudd
> twice.  And you forgot Howard Machtinger.

I don't know who Howard Machtinger is, and apparently I must of
thought Mark Rudd to be important.

> I love conspiracy theories.  They are almost as fun as Halloween, but
> less fattening.

Ah yes.  I seem to recall a few of "you guys" thinking the Bush
administration was responsible for the "misplacing" of a few
nuclear-tipped Cruise missiles with the intent of bombing the #*&@ out
of Iran.  Hey, just how DID that one work out for ya?

> Since we are playing the guilt by association game, maybe we should
> talk about the Bush family association with the Nazis?

You mean Grandpa Prescott Bush?  I thought any $$ he may have made in
his "dealings" with Germany back in the 40's had been seized and
forfeited.  Although it seems he was in good company with Ford Motors,
Coca Cola, General Motors, Chase Bank, AT&T, JP Morgan, RCA, DuPont .
. . .

And besides, this was over 65 years ago.  I seriously doubt GW has
been rubbing shoulders with the likes of Goering or Himmler for the
past few years.  Quite unlike the 1995 launching of Obama's political
career, in the presence of Mr and Mrs Obama, by Mr Ayers et al.  No
comparison there Chas.  Like Nappies and Serviettes I think.

> Oh, how fun!

Oh how fun indeed!  Seriously though, I do hope "we" are wrong - I
really don't like the idea of living in the society towards which I'm
afraid we are headed.


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