[Vision2020] Barack Obama's Muslim Childhood

No Weatherman no.weatherman at gmail.com
Sun Oct 26 06:40:59 PDT 2008


Loaded question aside, you're missing the point.

Obama says one thing and Obama's half-sister says another.

You and I have already established (I think) the fact that Obama tells
lies in public when political expediency requires it of him.

It's not a question of what is faith? It's a question of credibility.

I believe the half-sister. You discredit her by your experience to excuse Obama.

My argument relies on eyewitness testimony (albeit not cross
examined). Your argument relies on your experience.

Respectfully, you and I may have just accidentally discovered the
fundamental difference between conservatives and liberals.

Conservatives think a matter through with their brains, liberals feel
a matter through with their life experience.

On 10/25/08, Chasuk <chasuk at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 17:03, No Weatherman <no.weatherman at gmail.com> wrote:
>  > Thanks for the email but ultimately it is your experience that you use
>  > to discredit the eyewitness testimony of Obama's half sister.
> Not all all.  I defend the value of personal experience in realms that
>  are not subject to other (read: objective)  forms of evaluation.
>  Question:
>  Are you a better judge of your own faith, or your kin?
>  That's not a rhetorical question.  I'm asking you directly.
>  Chas

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