[Vision2020] Obama's birth certificate

No Weatherman no.weatherman at gmail.com
Sat Oct 25 17:02:31 PDT 2008

Ms. Mix:

Despite some of his loony cases, Berg's credentials are much more
impressive than yours. He's actually a lawyer for starters.

Then when we consider the fact that you are virtually wrong on almost
every point you make in this forum, it's amusing that you would take a
shot at anyone let alone the former deputy Attorney General for the
state of Pennsylvania.

But the strangest thing is that you apologized to this forum on behalf
of Christians world wide because you believe they started the "rumor"
about Obama's qualification to the hold the Office of POTUS (I
reprinted it below with the hope that it might give you a moment of


Philip Berg is a big name Democrat in Pennsylvania who makes no fuss
about his religion, if he has any, despite this fact you apologized on
behalf of Christians because you believe without a shred of evidence
that they planted the rumor that sent Berg to court.

I'll bet the apology gave you a rush of self-righteousness that felt
like freebase in the lungs — "Look at how holy I am, I apologize for
all the Christians" — but your apology was a lie.

Ms. Mix, you're an ongoing train wreck with a key board — and you just
keep typing. You really need help.

But since you won't get help, maybe you could learn the lesson that
Joe learned after I caught him fibbing and contradicting himself in
one post after another. He didn't have the decency to admit the truth
but he did have the decency to leave the Viz surrounded by shame.

He knew he lost his credibility and if he has any common sense he knew
that he completely embarrassed himself. So he left.

Learn to love wisdom like the philosopher. Do like Joe.

You should do like Joe.

It seems that the issue, or non-issue, of Barack Obama's citizenship
has been slugged out, here and elsewhere, for no apparent reason, as
it is clear in the eyes of people smarter than I am, and everyone
else, that he is a citizen and is eligible for the Presidency. I don't
wish to resurrect that battle again.

What I do want to do is apologize.

It seems that the primary sources for this rumor are, nationally as
well as locally, conservative, Libertarian-oriented people who
identify themselves as Christians. Most of us, Christian or not,
understand that it's wrong to lie about someone and that it's just as
wrong to repeat those lies, whether under the guise of "innocent"
questioning, prayer requests, or crusades against people we don't
like. Worse yet is the assertion that the lie must be given all
possible exposure so that those shadowy forces denouncing it — some
call them "truthtellers" — can be vanquished. Christians call this
"bearing false witness." Your grandmother called it "carrying tales,"
and I call it "lying through your teeth to promote vicious falsehoods
against someone who scares you."

I suppose there's a reason Grandma will be quoted in books of American
aphorisms and I won't. Nonetheless, I wish I could apologize to Barack
Obama for what members of the Church — I'll assume that; only God
knows — have done to him. I believe these people have fomented
violence and hate that, if realized in any act against Obama, will be
on their consciences just as surely as the one who commits the deed,
and that they've done so while proclaiming themselves to be
Christians, and done this against a Christian brother, is
indefensible. Once again, Visionaires, our local hatemongers have
echoed the vitriol seen throughout this country in the final six
months of the election, and I apologize. Never for my faith, but
often, lamentably, for those who hijack it for their own gain — in
this case, an ill-gotten gain that speaks nothing of Jesus Christ.

Why apologize for something, then, that I haven't done and deplore in
others? Simple. Like Daniel in the Old Testament, I'm sickened by the
conduct of my people, and for the sake of the Gospel plead with God to
end it, to protect Obama, and to restore to the vituperative among us
a sense of lovingkindness and justice. Now, let's all get ready to
hear the boys crow that I've complained myself to Daniel. What I've
written is clear, and a heads up:

I'm just sorry that, once again, the word "Christian" has become
synonymous to so many for hateful and unjust, and I will not engage
with liars, cowards, or slanderers.


On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 4:03 PM, keely emerinemix <kjajmix1 at msn.com> wrote:
> "Original birth certificates" are not the property of any person.  You don't
> get "your own" birth certificate; you get a certified copy.  Original birth
> certificates are the property of the State that issues them.  (By the way,
> this includes the non-military Panamanian hospital in which McCain was born
> -- that jurisdiction maintains ownership of all such records).
> "At least according to Berg" here isn't exactly an attribution I'd go too
> far with . . .
> Keely
> http://keely-prevailingwinds.blogspot.com/
>> Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 13:08:38 -0800
>> From: no.weatherman at gmail.com
>> To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Obama's birth certificate
>> Chas:
>> I understand that Palin and McCain have submitted their original
>> certificates, at least according to Berg.
>> The difference, however, between the three American candidates and
>> Barack Hussein Obama is that he admits he is a natural born citizen of
>> Kenya which obviously forces the question of his natural born citizen
>> status as an American.
>> Add to this the fact that if Obama ever had US citizenship, even
>> natural born, he lost it as a child when Indonesia naturalized him
>> because Indonesia did not allow dual citizenship.
>> Add to this the fact that his "fight the smears" web site has
>> presented an INVALID image of his birth certificate to the American
>> public and suddenly it looks like Obama has some question to answer.
>> This should be an easy question to answer for a Harvard trained
>> constitutional attorney who edited the HLR, so I wonder why he has
>> never answered the question.
>> Put a natural born Kenyan in the White House — Change You Can Believe In.
>> On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Chasuk <chasuk at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 11:22, No Weatherman <no.weatherman at gmail.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> Maybe you weren't one of those people who pointed me to this certified
>> >> oddity. I don't know. But then I don't know why you would take issue
>> >> with my remark, either.
>> >
>> > Because no one is claiming that the image of Obama's birth certificate
>> > is the same as Obama's ACTUAL birth certificate, but that -- except
>> > for the pathologically suspicious -- it is sufficient proof that an
>> > actual birth certificate exists.
>> >
>> > I haven't seen Palin's ACTUAL birth certificate.
>> > I haven't seen Biden's ACTUAL birth certificate.
>> > I haven't seen Panama-born McCain's ACTUAL birth certificate.
>> >
>> > Have you?
>> >
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