[Vision2020] Dime at a Time

Bill London london at moscow.com
Thu Oct 23 13:48:12 PDT 2008

Moscow Food Co-op's A Dime in Time Program Supports Local Organizations 
The Moscow Food Co-op's new A Dime in Time program will support local, non-profit organizations. Co-op shoppers currently receive a 10-cent discount when they use their own bags or coffee cups.  Customers now will be given the option to donate the dime to a featured monthly organization.  Each month a new group will be awarded the donated dimes, which at this time add up to approximately $600 every month. 
The Latah Trail Foundation was selected to be the first recipient of money raised through the program. 
"We are thrilled to be chosen for this program and will put that money to good use by making improvements on the Latah Trail," said Nora Locken, director of the Latah Trail Foundation. 
The Latah Trail, a paved pathway between Moscow and Troy, Idaho, was completed earlier this fall.  Cyclists and pedestrians in the region can now enjoy 22-miles of paved paths connecting Troy, Idaho and Pullman, Wash. 
Local groups interested in receiving future awards can submit a grant application found on the Co-op's website (www.moscowfood.coop).  A committee made up of two Co-op board members, two Co-op staff members, and two Co-op customer members will review the applications and select recipients each quarter. 
The Co-op is located at 121 East Fifth Street in downtown Moscow. 
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