[Vision2020] Election Fraud

No Weatherman no.weatherman at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 12:39:21 PDT 2008


Stick to point.

The Republican Party is irrelevant to the argument.

The absence of nation-wide voter fraud in previous elections is irrelevant.

The absence of evidence proving "a systematic voting-fraud conspiracy"
is irrelevant.

I have made no wild conspiracy allegations.

But I have produced somewhere between 10 to 20 (maybe more) articles
from msm news sources documenting incredibly massive amounts of voter
registration fraud being committed by the firm employed by Barack
Obama to register voters — ACORN.

So let's put on our Sherlock Holmes hats, light up our curly pipes,
and think this through together.

Why do you think that ACORN is committing voter registration fraud?

On 10/14/08, Andreas Schou <ophite at gmail.com> wrote:
> > 1.      Their actions appear intended to steal this election.
> >
> >
> > 2.      If they steal this election, this republic is screwed.
> The Republicans pulled out this same storyline in 2006 and 2004.
> They put strict ID requirements into the Help America Vote Act to prevent
> registration fraud from translating into actual voter fraud. Again, there's
> absolutely no evidence that registration fraud can be translated easily into
> voter fraud; there's no evidence that a systematic voting-fraud conspiracy
> exists or has existed since the Tammany Hall days*; there are only
> nonsensical arguments that a significant number of people, however
> desperate, could be induced to commit a felony for the amount of money per
> vote that any liberal organization could pay.
> You're the one making wildly conspiratorial allegations. It's your
> responsibility to provide the evidence. All you can provide are assertions
> that the evidence isn't important.
> -- ACS
> * Or the systematic and Constitutionally legitimized voter fraud embodied by
> the 3/5ths Compromise.
>  ** Also incidentally, ACORN claims to have registered 1.8m people for this
> election. Roughly 30,000 registrations have been rejected as incomplete or
> fraudulent; 5,000 were in Lake County, Indiana. This is numerically large,
> but also only %1.6.

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