[Vision2020] Barack Obama supporters call Sarah Palin a “C#*t.”

Dave tiedye at turbonet.com
Mon Oct 13 08:36:57 PDT 2008

Oops, KRFP didn't write this, I did.


KRFP wrote:
> One point of note here.  The word in question used to be considered an 
> honorific term.  Honoring women for their reproductive qualities.
> Of course it has changed, and I fell it is perfectly appropriate for a 
> Christian Terrorist who is inciting large crowds to commit violence.
> Dave
> keely emerinemix wrote:
>> Chas, I still think the word "c---" is reprehensible, whether it 
>> refers to one woman or all of womankind.  That I can't stand Sarah 
>> Palin (find her an embarrassment, consider her totally unqualified, 
>> believe she's being prostituted) doesn't mean I can ever countenance 
>> the use of that word . . . not to her, not to anyone.
>> Believe me, describing Sarah Palin accurately is easy and needn't 
>> involve vulgarities.  Just look up synonyms for "used," "unqualified," 
>> "snotty," "compensating" and "terrifically unintelligent," and you've 
>> got it.  The "C" word shouldn't enter into anyone's vocabulary.
>> Keely
>> http://keely-prevailingwinds.blogspot.com/
>>> Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2008 20:21:33 -0700
>>> From: chasuk at gmail.com
>>> To: kjajmix1 at msn.com
>>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] RE: Barack Obama supporters call Sarah 
>> Palin a “C#*t.”
>>> CC: no.weatherman at gmail.com; vision2020 at moscow.com
>>> On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 18:23, keely emerinemix <kjajmix1 at msn.com> 
>> wrote:
>>>> To call a woman a "c---" is disgusting.
>>> I was all set to agree with you, Keely, until I read these charming
>>> words from Palin's mouth:
>>> "Help me, Ohio, to help put John McCain in the White House. He
>>> understands. He understands you. We understand how important it is
>>> that this team be elected. For one thing, we know who the bad guys
>>> are, OK?"
>>> And then, the icing:
>>> "We know that in the war, it's terrorists, terrorists who hate America
>>> and her allies and would seek to destroy us, and the bad guys are
>>> those who would support and sympathize with the terrorists. They do
>>> not like America because of what we stand for. Liberty. Freedom. Equal
>>> rights. Those who sympathize and support those terrorists who would
>>> seek to destroy all that it is that we value, those are the bad guys,
>>> OK?"
>>> I'd say that any epithet in the English language pretty accurately
>>> describes a women who could spout something so vile.
>>> I'm going to go out on a limb here and call Palin a Christian
>>> Terrorist. She knows the words she utters will be used by others to
>>> condone violence -- that they actually encourage violence -- and I
>>> rather think she intends it, unless she really is as stupid as she
>>> appears. She is speaking directly to the nutcase Right, focusing in
>>> them, all to achieve her political objectives, under the guise of a
>>> hockey-mom, a civilian non-combatant. In her prayers, she probably
>>> justifies it in the name of Jesus.
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