[Vision2020] CNN starts to do its job

Chuck Kovis ckovis at turbonet.com
Fri Oct 10 16:36:29 PDT 2008


No matter what you or anyone else says or unearths about Obama, one thing 
remains:  the majority of the people in this country are tired of Republican 
rule.  That's all.  Tired of Republican rule.  Winking Sarah and John McCain 
may win, but the majority of the people in this country are tired of 
Republican rule.  By the way, I'm not going to refer to John McCain as "Ole 
Lump Jaw" anymore.  I read that his melanoma has metastasized and the lump 
is a swollen lymph gland. We probably won't hear about that from the 
main-stream media will we?  Got to unearth all the dirt about Ayers, Wright 
and Acorn.  Obama has been running for President for 4 years. We still don't 
know who he is.  But Sarah, running for about 5 weeks, "She's one of us." 
No need to check her out, even though she has a high possibility of being 
President.  That's okay though, my reward will be in heaven, won't it?

Chuck Kovis 

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