[Vision2020] A short reading list on American

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Thu Oct 9 18:11:06 PDT 2008

Wasn't it Carl Sagan that said something like (I'm paraphrasing) . . .

"If it is possible, it has happened.  If it is impossible, it will happen."

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

> On Thursday 09 October 2008 16:58:10 Chasuk wrote:
> > I adore Carl Sagan's The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in 
> > Dark.
> >
> > Are the others of the same caliber?
> No, because they're different in the sense that they're not focused on 
> science, and because they are written by social scientists rather than a 
> natural scientist. One way to look at these books is through the lens of 
> personality type as exposited by Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers. 
> going through the details, a person needs to have a pair of preferences, 
> for perception and one for deciding. Perception can be done more 
directly as 
> sensation, or more indirectly, as intuition. The anti-intellectual 
divide, to 
> some degree, at least, can be thought of as a set of differences between 
> sensors and intuitives in various social environments -- schools, 
> government, etc. C. G. Jung's Personality Types and I. B. Myers' Gifts 
> Differing will give you the basics underlying this personality typing 
> If a social philosophy faculty member were to offer a lower division, 
> semester course titled Philosophy of Intellect, these books on the 
> would not surprise me. They are not as technically dense as readings for 
> Belief and Reality, for example, and they form an informal, 
> social introduction to some of the questions in philosophy of science in 
> spring semester.
> Check out the reviews on amazon.com.
> Ken
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