[Vision2020] Barack Obama stumping 4 Raila Odinga

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 19:50:14 PDT 2008

Let's start from the top.  You write:

"[Obama]  campaigned for Odinga last December.
This might not bother you but it terrifies me."

I respond:

"I've read that alleged many places for literally months, but with
little to no substantiation."

Then you handily make my point.  You share a bunch of clips that
purport to show "the sum total of Barack Obama's foreign policy
experience," but which show nothing of the sort, not even if I tilt my
head and squint.  First, the Obama-Odinga familial relation isn't
foreign policy experience, nor is it confirmed.  It is a politically
advantageous allegation made by Odinga, and the claim itself seems to
be enough for Obama detractors.  Not only is it irrelevant, but Obama
is also a distant cousin of Cheney and Bush, and I don't hold that
against him, either.

You write:

"The Barack Obama we see presented by the msm is a carefully crafted
imaginary figure who bears no resemblance to the real Barack Obama. He
stumped for a man who ran on a platform promising to institute Sharia
law which would normally scare the hell out of every peace-loving
law-abiding American, but since no one has reported it no one knows it."

All politicians are carefully crafted imaginary figures who bear no
resemblance to their real selves.  This is no more a criticism of
Obama than it is of the Bushes, or of McCain, or than it was of
Alexander the Great.  You seem compelled to build a portrait of Obama
out of unsupported news on the fringe that has no more damning power
or demonstrable truth than the evidence which obsesses Illuminati
conspiratorial theorists.  You strangely assert that no one reports it
while reproducing links to your nonexistent reportage.

Obama is black.  Get over it.  Obama is related to evil Muslims.  Get
over it.  Obama doesn't conform to the anti-intellectual Joe Six-Pack
American ideal.  Get over it.  Obama is the pick for U.S. President
with near global acclaim.  Get over it.  I know that things that are
different can be scary.  Get over it.

If you produce something that is truly revelatory, I will respond, but
until then our Obama dialogue is over.  So far it has consisted of
nothing more than ineffective character assassination.

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