[Vision2020] Fw: Fw: Fw: Read his own written words-- where hestands for the future

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 12:46:37 PDT 2008

Roger wrote earlier in this thread:

"Read t[h]is and decide just who is a racist."

Roger more recently wrote:

"They were referenced as quotes from his books, so I assume that they
are correct."

And then:

"I guess I will be forced to read his books."

Before you spread accusations of racism, you don't verify the sources?
 You automatically trust everything you are forwarded as factual?

To anyone with even a shred of discernment, this should have instantly
raised a credibility flag:

"Don't buy them, get  them from the library, before they are removed
from the shelves!!!!"

You do realize that there is a direct correspondence between the
number of simultaneous exclamation marks and the IQ of the sender,

Previously, Saundra charitably wrote:

"More Politics of Desperation, I guess, although I'm disappointed to
find you a part of it  :-("

Be disappointed,  Saundra (as am I).  But don't be surprised.  This is
standard for Roger.

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