[Vision2020] Barack Obama: Racism You Can Believe In
No Weatherman
no.weatherman at gmail.com
Tue Oct 7 07:31:56 PDT 2008
> Two of your remaining examples were Republicans using race in the
> campaign, not the other way around (the dollar bills story and the
> foreign contributions story), so I'm not sure why you mentioned them,
> unless it was for balance.
Barack Obama made the dollar bill remark — not the other way around.
No one in the Republican Party has said anything that Obama accused
them of but that didn't stop him from playing the card anyway. IOW, he
accused his opponent of being racist when in fact he was the only
person to throw racism into the race.
But since he raised the objection, can anyone remember seeing our
currency adorned with a figure like this:
Your other objection is wrong as well. The Atlantic is a left wing
instrument, thus the absurd conclusion that the Republican Party filed
a complaint against Obama's illegal and highly dubious donations
because of his race. That's like saying anyone who holds the Obama
campaign accountable to federal election laws is a racist or they do
it for racist motives. IOW, Obama's race gives him a free ride.
Therefore (I'm making The Atlantic's argument, Joe), Obama should not
have to return the illegal money he received from Gaza because only
racists would want him too and I am a racist for pointing out the fact
of his illegal donations.
Hell, what don't they go all the way and accuse anyone of running
against Obama of being a racist? That would be the fastest ticket to
an Obama style election — a one-candidate election! May the only man
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