[Vision2020] An open letter to my liberal friends [was ignore trolls]
joekc at roadrunner.com
joekc at roadrunner.com
Sun Oct 5 13:37:53 PDT 2008
Respectfully, I disagree with the Steven/Bruce/Saundra strategy for several reasons.
First, this is supposed to be an open forum. If folks don’t like what I talk about, or how I
approach the troll problem, then press delete. We already have a solution to that problem!
Don’t like it, don’t read it. Pretty simple. The lectures are unnecessary.
Second, I don’t see how the suggestion that certain kinds of discussions should take place
is conducive to the Visions role as an open forum. It seems to me that suggestions like
this do nothing more than limit free speech. In the last few weeks, several people have
told me not only who I should talk to (“Don’t talk to trolls!”) but also what I should talk
about (“Don’t talk about abortion!”). I don’t see that as conducive to free speech and
ultimately it seems to harm the reputation of Vision 2020 as a truly open forum.
Third, I’m a big boy. I know that some think that my problem is that I don’t count to ten
but that is not right. I just disagree with the current progressive policy of ignoring certain
subjects and people. I think that ultimately the failure to confront issues like abortion, or
even to respond to the concerns of trolls, is a losing proposition. It is precisely why, even
after 8 years of a failed Republican presidency, a failed war in Iraq, and a failed
economy, we Democrats still stand a chance of losing the next election! We’re not
talking about the things that people want to talk about and in some cases it is because we
don’t know how. And we’re not talking to the people (trolls, for instance) who talk to the
people who are talking about the things that we’re not talking about. There is a very good
reason why the label of “elitist” sticks to progressives. The reason is we are.
I understand that most of you see things differently. I’m not asking you to be like me, to
accept the view above (though if you want to discuss it in more detail, I’m ready to do
so). I’m just asking that you respect that I have the view. I don’t want to be you, or
respond to the problems in the way that you are responding to them. That strikes me as a
failure. I want to be me because that is the way that seems right for me to be.
I understand, too, that our notions of right action, our notions of civility, differ. I respect
your views I just disagree with them. For me, it if you want to be respectful be direct. If
you disagree with someone, tell them why. Don’t talk about people, talk to them. I
understand that my approach has its drawbacks. Especially given that I will talk about
anything with anyone. But I want to talk about what I take to be real issues rather than
mere surface issues discussed in a “polite” way. I respect that others think differently and
in no way am I asking that all of you adopt my methods. Just respect them.
That said, I have a few obligations with which I need to attend. The Vision is a luxury
and, frankly, it has become a rather unpleasant luxury of late. Anyway, don't take
offense at my absence and good luck!
Best, Joe
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