[Vision2020] Palin Candidacy Helps Planned Parenthood

Jeff Harkins jeffh at moscow.com
Wed Oct 1 22:19:52 PDT 2008

This is the best you can do?  Please provide some authority for your 
assertion that she is not a private citizen because she is running 
for public office.  You assert that it is ok to intentionally hurt her?

You have an unusual sense of humanity.

So, you have no problem with members of the community raising 
donations to Christ Church in the name of ChasUK?  Most interesting.

At 08:11 PM 10/1/2008, you wrote:
>Mr. Harkins stated:
>"Tell you what - let's start a campaign, in your name [Chas], to provide
>donations to Christ Church.  Are you in?"
>One minor, hardly worth mentioning, detail, Harkins.
>Sarah Palin, as a candidate for vice president, is a public entity/  Where
>Chas is a private citizen.
>However, if you are up to it, feel free to start a "If you hate Tom
>Hansen, donate money to Christ Church" campaign.  After all, there is such
>a thin line between love and hate.
>Note to Dougie:  No need to thank me, fat man.  Just knowing your love is
>there says it all.
>"And the sign said 'Everybody welcome, come in, kneel down and pray'
>But when they passed around the plate at the end of it all,
>I didn't have a penny to pay, so I got me a pen and a paper and I made up
>my own little sign
>I said thank you Lord for thinking about me, I'm alive and doing fine.'
>Sorry about the musical interlude.  I'm addicted to the Five Man Electric
>Band and their song Signs (blaring in the background).
>Seeya round town, Moscow.
>Tom Hansen
>MOscow, Idaho
>This message was sent by First Step Internet.
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