[Vision2020] Palin Candidacy Helps Planned Parenthood Fundraising

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 20:45:54 PDT 2008

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 19:54, Jeff Harkins <jeffh at moscow.com> wrote:

> An obvious attack on Gov. Palin's character and her values.  Read carefully,
> you could spare a lot of energy.

I do read carefully, but I also know what "defame" means,  when it it
apparent that you don't.

 > Tell you what - let's start a campaign, in
 your name, to provide donations to Christ Church.  Are you in?

Certainly.  I would be honored.  I'm not a member of the
I-hate-Doug-tribe.  The beliefs and practices of Kirkers are no more
alarming than the beliefs or practices of numerous Roman Catholics or
Mormons in Moscow, so I consider the entire vendetta counterproductive
and hypocritical.

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