[Vision2020] Palin Candidacy Helps Planned ParenthoodFundraising

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 20:40:13 PDT 2008

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 19:30, g. crabtree <jampot at roadrunner.com> wrote:

> Do you truly think that people who believe that life begins at conception are out of their minds

Not out of their minds, but allowing superstition to overrule the
rational part of their minds.  If I did believe in God, then I would
believe that He gave us our brains with the expectation that we
exercise them occasionally, which the life begins at conception
proponents show no sign of doing.

Rather obviously, life begins before conception, as neither the egg
nor the sperm are dead.  But the superstitious give the word "life" in
this context another, special meaning that more often than not can be
reduced to a belief in ensoulment.

So the question almost invariably becomes a superstitious one, wherein
the believer has discarded their reason and/or knowledge in favor of

Believing in magic is certainly akin to being out of one's mind, even
if it is not unarguably the same thing.

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