[Vision2020] The Passing of Utah Phillips

Nick Gier ngier at uidaho.edu
Sun May 25 11:27:27 PDT 2008

Good Morning Visionaries:

The AFT faculty union hosted Utah Phillips at the Moscow Hotel 
Ballroom (Yes, there was one) in the middle 1970s and it was our most 
successful social function ever.  Union people came from everywhere 
along with townspeople and students, some, sadly, who didn't even 
know what a union was.

This week's radio commentary will be on the new nurses' union in 
Sandpoint and it will be now be dedicated to Utah Phillips.

Workers of the world unite.  You have nothing but your chains to lose!

Nick Gier, President, Idaho Federation of Teachers, AFT/AFL-CIO, one 
industrial union grand.

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