[Vision2020] Sali Seeks to Delay Mexican Consulate

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Tue May 6 02:25:17 PDT 2008

  "The words "baby" and "children" carry, emotively, enormously different
weights. You have now literally increased the burden of any reasoned
rebuttal by your figurative abuse."
  Me and you just use and interpret words just differently. I don't think there is much of a difference between babies or children in this context. It would however, make a difference I guess if we were talking about CPR, child rearing, size of toys to play with, but when someone is mistreating a child or baby, it doesn't really matter does it?
  You don't see a difference between "spawn" or "offspring" but Keely does. Another difference in thinking. 
  I exaggerate in my postings, frequently, to make my point, most people get that. Others interpret it as lying, or as you do, think I need to tone it down. I mostly try to get people to see my point, my concept. But some people like to just get hung up in the exact details of and wording of something and want to debate that instead of understanding the concept I am trying to present. Just communication style differences I guess. 
  I don't think exact numbers, 100% accurate facts and details are important to convey on the V, because we are not a decision making body, just a group of people talking about stuff and sharing ideas. 
  Best Regards,

Chasuk <chasuk at gmail.com> wrote:
  On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Donovan Arnold

> I don't think a baby can be guilty of a crime, and I wasn't insinuating
> that. Keely knows that, and it was either a joke, or she was being
> intellectually dishonest.

Regardless of your intended meaning, Keely humorously rebutted your
expressed meaning. She was joking with you, in other words.

> My point was she was offended by the use of a word to describe a baby to
> illustrate a context, I was demonstrating the point that liberals do that
> same thing using the term fetus when they want to abort it, and baby when
> they don't.

Donovn, you have the habit of retroactively revising your words
whenever it suits you. Your exact words:

"Why do liberals call them children when they are illegal immigrants
but an aborted fetus when they are an economic inconvenience?"

The words "baby" and "children" carry, emotively, enormously different
weights. You have now literally increased the burden of any reasoned
rebuttal by your figurative abuse. You do this fairly frequently, but
I don't know whether it is consciously or unconsciously. Anyway,
that's an aside; I don't intend to get drawn into an abortion debate.
My real point is, there is little emotive difference between "spawn"
and "offspring" (in my case, no difference at all), whereas there is
deliberately obfuscating difference between (in context) "fetal
termination" and "baby murder." Your comparison doesn't fit.

If your comparison were toned down a notch, so as to be less oviously
incendiary -- and hence cognitively crippling -- I might actually
agree with you. In fact, I would. I wouldn't find it relevant or
germane, but just another Donovan derail. Still, I would agree.


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