[Vision2020] Sali Seeks to Delay Mexican Consulate

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Sun May 4 18:11:39 PDT 2008

  Illegal Laborers can get emergency food stamps, and food stamps for their children. 
  Illegal Laborers can get Driver's Licenses, yes in California, where most of them live, then drive in Idaho legally.  
  Illegal Laborers can get Private Scholarships for Education
  Illegal Laborers do get medical assistance and emergency services
  Illegal Laborers do get free public education (The alternative being not no education, but education in Mexico)
  Illegal Laborers do get low income housing which is implemented through local governments.
  Illegal Laborers get most of their entitlements any US citizens gets. 
  Illegal Laborers do get bank accounts through private banks and credit unions, who are protected by US taxpayers and insured by US taxpayers. 
  All this made possible because of ID cards from Consulates. If they couldn't get a job, cash a check, rent an apartment, drive, eat, get medical care, they would not stay here. It is that simple. 
  And again, the argument is not that they don't deserve these services, they do, but their illegal presents prevent legal US citizens from obtaining their rights. US citizens cannot afford to provide these services for themselves and whatever poor soul crosses the boarder. Illegal laborers need to stay in their own country, work hard, and provide for themselves, not suck our resources and away from our children and our workers. 
  Best Regards,

Andreas Schou <ophite at gmail.com> wrote:
  > Illegal aliens get ID cards that can be used in place of Visa's and Driver's
> licenses for food stamps, low income housing, emergency services, driver's
> licenses, bank accounts, registration for public schools, and of course,
> financial aid.

Food stamps: incorrect. (Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant
Responsibility Act of 1996. Noncitizen parents may apply on the behalf
of citizen children.)

Low-income housing: incorrect. (Illegal Immigration Reform and
Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996)

Emergency services: correct.

Driver's licenses: incorrect, except in California.

Bank accounts: not a public service.

Registration for public schools: yeah, having a whole underclass of
uneducated noncitizen laborers would be a great idea.

Financial aid: incorrect. (Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant
Responsibility Act of 1996)

-- ACS

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