[Vision2020] Donovan's Super Wal-Mart (was RE: Recall the city council)11

Saundra Lund sslund_2007 at verizon.net
Mon Mar 24 21:32:25 PDT 2008

In part, Donovan wrote:

"I think you should call Wal-Mart what it is, not made up names. I think it
shows a level of disrespect when the only people that call it that are
people opposed to it. They changed the name so it would fit on a bumper
sticker. So, yes, it is demeaning to the people that work at the store, and
the shoppers that depend on it to afford the things they need to live."


I think people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, a lesson
Donovan clearly hasn't learned  J  When Donovan chooses to call it a "Super
Wal-Mart" in print and in conversation too many times to count because he
thought it would be just SUPER for him to have one, it was just peachy for
him to so.


However, when Joe does it, Donovan takes exception.  ROTFLOL!!!


Get a GRIP, Donovan.  I know people who work for Wal-Mart, and they are
about evenly split as to how they refer to the "super" variety of store.
And, I know a fair amount of people who shop at Wal-Mart, and the vast
majority of them refer to Wal-Marts of the "super" variety as Super
Wal-Marts, including some of your fellow Wal-Mart supporters (whom shall
remain nameless) right her on the Viz  J


Once again, Donovan shoots for the ad hominem attack . . . and comes up with
an air ball.



Saundra Lund

Moscow, ID


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do

~ Edmund Burke


***** Original material contained herein is Copyright 2008 through life plus
70 years, Saundra Lund.  Do not copy, forward, excerpt, or reproduce outside
the Vision 2020 forum without the express written permission of the

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