[Vision2020] New pledge of alligance written by a 15 year oldinArizona

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 21 23:54:50 PDT 2008

  That isn't true. And secondly, we are defeating ourselves when you allow people to be citizens in this country when they don't believe in it, defending it, honoring it, or wanting to be a part of it. They cheapen the value of a US citizenship. I am tired of people in this country tearing it down, while sucking from it its benefits. If you don't want to be loyal it to, and have a loyalty to another country instead, go there. 
  This is my chief problem with illegal immigration. Many of the people that come don't want to denounce their own country, they just want to take from this one and return to their own. I would take an illegal immigrate that wants to be a loyal US citizen, than a current US citizen that hates the US living here and whining about how things are so much better in another country, a country they probably have never been to. 

Chasuk <chasuk at gmail.com> wrote:
  On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 9:41 PM, Betsy Dickow wrote:

> This really happened in WWII, but the poor Jews were sent back to Germany to
> die in gas chambers.

> Sorry for the grim reminder.

Thank you for the grim reminder. I had never heard of this.

I can't think of anything more freedom-hating than what Donovan is
suggesting. I am stunned that anyone could seriously make such a
suggestion without realizing that it would effectively abolish
everthing good that the US ostensibly stands for, all in one swoop.
Forget about terrorists. We would have defeated ourself, and deserved

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