[Vision2020] [Bulk] Re: Barack Obama's Unity Speech Today in Philadelphia

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 19 22:37:22 PDT 2008

You think this is bad, wait until you hear what his grocer thinks.  Or 
his hair dresser.  Or that guy he met once at a "Save the Whales" rally.

But you're right.  You've made up my mind.  I refuse to vote for his 
pastor for President.


pkraut at moscow.com wrote:
> When I hear all the things that his pastor has been saying and Obama says 
> he didn't know it nor agree with it but has gone to the church for 20 
> years!! He is not being honest and he is in no way prepared to be the 
> leader of the free world. The speech will go down in history with all the 
> other political speeches that are distortions and self-serving.
>> I have never in my life been so proud of someone in public office 
> before. 
>> It was, for me, a church experience:  Truth spoken prophetically, 
> without
> a> dornment, cowardice, or guile.  I believe it will be viewed with the
> histor> ical and social significance of JFK's "ask not" speech.  Obama
> demonstrated>  a presence that I have not seen in 30 years as a voter, 
> but that well
> embo> died the spirit of Lucretia Mott, Mary McLeod Bethune, Frederick 
> Douglass,
>> Wm. Lloyd Garrison, and George Fox.  Saints and heroes, all.
>> OK, Dale -- pile on.
>> Keely
>>> To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>>> From: thansen at moscow.com
>>> Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 02:46:28 +0000
>>> Subject: [Vision2020] Barack Obama's Unity Speech Today in 
> Philadelphia
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN_Su8ywLwk
>>> Seeya round town, Moscow.
>>> Tom Hansen
>>> Moscow, Idaho
>>> "People who ridicule others while hiding behind anonymous monikers in
> cha> t-
>>> room forums are neither brave nor clever." 
>>> - Latah County Sheriff Wayne Rausch (August 21,
>>> 2007)
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