[Vision2020] Banditry is Not an Option Was: Economists Predicted $90/Barrel...

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Sun Mar 2 14:35:54 PST 2008

On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Donovan Arnold
<donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com> wrote to Sunil:

> You have way too much of an overactive imagination. You are obviously
> unaware that many oil rigs are sitting in the ocean unmanned, and turned off
> so that it drives up the oil prices. We don't have to go to other nations,
> or take anything the government and taxpayers didn't pay for in one way or
> another. We don't need to kill or shoot anyone. Just take back what is US
> property that was abandoned.

I guess I also have an overactive imagination.  That, and I am unaware
of oil rigs off our coastline unmanned.  It shouldn't surprise me.  If
you are correct, then my previous objections are moot.  If indeed our
oil companies are deliberately driving up prices, then I would
consider sending all of their CEOs to Guantanamo.  Well, no I
wouldn't, but I wouldn't be too depressed if a way could be found to
take all of their toys away that didn't involve interminable,
expensive litigation.  I might even concur to using our National Guard
to man these purported oil rigs.

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