[Vision2020] June snow?

Kai Eiselein, Editor editor at lataheagle.com
Tue Jun 10 16:51:43 PDT 2008

Obviously, Tom, you have no concept of sarcasm when it is aimed at your comments.
Did you or did you not state: "Taking into consideration our current government administration, and just  in case John McBush should be elected, I have a question for your Canadian sister-in-law: What is the job market like, how does Alberta's cost of living compare to Moscow, and what is the availability of aprtments, ay?"
I find it odd that you bring Courtney into this, you have a real obsession with him don't you? Considering I have no affiliation with him or NSA, it is really strange. Oh, wait! That's your version of tossing an Internet F-bomb. Throw the NSA card at anyone who disagrees with you, because SURELY, no one not affiliated with NSA would EVER disagree with the mighty Tom of Moscow, aka the "Wiz of da Viz".
As for Florida and Ohio, what's left to say that already hasn't been said, over and over again?
You do realize, don't you, that there were a large number of overseas military votes that weren't counted either? With 20 years in the military, weren't you upset that other service members' votes weren't counted?
I'll chalk it up as a senior moment on your part.

I vote for one reason. So I can complain with a clear conscience. KTE

From: "Tom Hansen" <thansen at moscow.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 4:07 PM
To: <editor at lataheagle.com>; <nielsen at uidaho.edu>; <Vision2020 at moscow.com>
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] June snow?

> Although my commentary was strictly sarcastic humor (note to Kai:  Have 
> Dale Courtney explain "sarcastic humor" to you), I have no real intent on 
> leaving the country of my birth, the country I served for 20 years.
> If "if my side doesn't win" were my standard, Kai, I would have left a 
> long time ago.
> My reference, if it wasn't clear enough to your journalistic expertise, 
> Kai, was to McCain's administration (should Florida and Ohio suffer more 
> pregnant chads) amounting to nothing more than another four years of 
> George Bush, hence "John McBush".  Only McBush's administration would be 
> periodically fertilized with, as McCain says, "senior moments".
> Now, do you get it?
> Tom Hansen
> Moscow, Idaho
> "We're a town of about 23,000 with 10,000 college students. The college 
> students are not very active in local elections (thank goodness!)."
> - Dale Courtney (March 28, 2007)
>> I wondered who would be the first to threaten to move if a 'publican 
> were 
>> elected.
>> Tom wins.
>> This whole threatening to leave "if my side doesn't win" by liberals 
>> (especially boomers, it seems) is getting tiresome.
>> But, if you REALLY want to go, Tom, there are some things you need to 
> know.
>> First, it's "Eh", not "ay"
>> Second, the last letter of the alphabet is not "zee", it is "zed".
>> Third, you'll need to relearn how to spell words like color and harbor.
>> Me, I'll warn my family to buy plenty of cheese and crackers if you show 
> up.
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Kai Eiselein
Editor, Latah Eagle
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