[Vision2020] Webcast: NOAA K-12 Educators Climate Change Conference, July 23-24
Ted Moffett
starbliss at gmail.com
Fri Jul 18 13:50:14 PDT 2008
Oh no! The "Church of Global Warming" is invading K-12 classrooms, with
conformist guvmint scientists and spacy astronauts! Those secular humanist
socialist atheists continue to brainwash youth with their stealth global
warming religious agenda, using silly unscientific climate change scare
stories for their thought and behavior control program, aimed at promoting
Godless Earth worshipping paganism among youth, while pushing for
anti-capitalist United Nations World Government regulation to fight their
bogus climate change boogeyman... Our values and way of life are at stake!
Tongue in cheek alert, yet not totally... Anyway, just joshing around...
>From URL above:
July 18, 2008
Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, will join NOAA scientists in
Silver Spring July 23-24 to teach K-12 educators how to integrate the
science of earth's changing climate into their classroom lesson plans.
The two-day event is co-sponsored by NOAA and NASA in partnership with
Ride's science education company, Sally Ride Scienceā¢, and will be webcast
live at: www.sallyridescience.com/conference<http://www.sallyridescience.com/for_educators/conferences/climate>for
those unable to attend.
Co-Chair of the 2007 Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change and the discoverer of the cause of the Antarctic ozone hole, NOAA
Senior Scientist Susan
give the conference's major climate address following Ride's opening
keynote address Wednesday morning.
"People are learning so much and are fascinated by climate change these
days. Teachers are a key to ensuring that tomorrow's citizens will have the
information they need to deal with one of the world's great challenges in an
informed way," said Dr. Susan Solomon, senior scientist at the NOAA Earth
System Research Laboratory.
During "Earth Then, Earth Now: Our Changing Climate," participants will
investigate the basic science of climate change, as well as global impacts
on the atmosphere, ocean, and every continent and ecosystem around the
"In 1983, when I looked down on Earth, I could see glaciers in the
Himalayas, atolls in the Pacific Ocean, and rain forests in Madagascar.
Since then, many glaciers have disappeared, some atolls are underwater, and
the rain forests have thinned," said Ride, president and CEO of Sally Ride
Science. "Climate change is an ideal interdisciplinary, integrating theme
for education. This conference will help teachers provide students with the
opportunity to better comprehend the interconnectedness of this important
topic, and use this knowledge in their lives and their communities."
Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett <http://www.sallyridescience.com/conference>
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