[Vision2020] 935 False Statements Made Before War

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 11:52:24 PST 2008

On Jan 28, 2008 11:12 AM,  <pkraut at moscow.com> wrote:

> So the raping, shredding starving was OK with you and you do not think
> that injustice should be addressed by those who follow Christ?
> interesting!

Ah!  So now, according to Pat Kraut, our invasion of Iraq was in fact
based on Christian principles; a sort of Latter Day Crusade!


Logically, then, Pat is justifying the documented (minimum) slaughter
of 80,690 Iraqi civilians -- much higher (1,168,058) if you accept the
Lancet Study -- as okay because they occurred in Jesus' name!


Logically, then, Pat also believes that we should send troops into
Kenya, Nepal, Somalia, and Darfur, because that would obviously be the
Christian thing to do.


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